
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06




Europeans comparison pay attention to etiquette, europeans and peoples life characteristics and different customs and habits, all these related to the historical tradition, social system and religion. In public, europeans exquisite manners, not casually. Meet, general is according to name, in the combined with Mr. Outside of southern Europe and eastern Europe countries, meet their handshake. Europeans to dress is more exquisite, never 。
The Nordic people very pay attention to the date of arrive on time. Home.purchasing them to Western Europe, but the hostess flowers (taboo "13" beam) or chocolate and wine, pay attention to the gift of time is best not to drag the meal, as if to return the host of this meal, please.

European countries have westerners about Numbers, colors, flowers and animals of many common taboo.
uropean countries have westerners about Numbers, colors, flowers and animals of many common taboo. Westerners generally taboo "13" and "Friday", the reason comes from the Christian legend; Many western countries, black is the as the representation of a funeral; In international communication occasions, avoid is used a chrysanthemum, azaleas, pink and yellow flowers to the guest, has become a practice; In addition, in China is considered auspicious, festival, the elephant, the peacock, cranes and other animals of longevity pattern in some western countries are in urgent need,
Was seen as stupid (UK), whore (Britain, France) and stupid (France).
Hungarian more superstitious, New Year's day is not allowed to put on table poultry dishes, think that way, luck will be with the birds fly away.
Greek people love sleep nap for subtropical climate. Say "good afternoon" can include late at night, finally just said "good night", respectively. The greeks more traditional business methods, bargaining everywhere.
The Austrian people don't like eating shrimp during the New Year. For shrimp will walk backwards, symbol of bad luck, if eat shrimp, new annual means it will be difficult to enterprise

The Europeans pay more attention to etiquette, Europeans and people of all countries to lifecharacteristics and different customs, and these are historical tradition, social system and religious belief. In public, the Europeans pay attention to manners, not casually. Meeting called,is generally known name, in addition to mr.. Southern, Eastern European countries outside,meet with a handshake. The Europeans also pay attention to the comparison of dress, never careless. The Nordic people are very attention when dating arrive on time. To Western Europehome, can send hostess flowers (taboo "13" beam) or chocolate and wine gifts, pay attention totime is best not drag after the meal, as if to this meal thanked master please.
Western European countries have on the numbers, colors, flowers and animals many common taboo. Westerners generally taboo "13" and "Friday", its causes are rooted in the Christian tradition; many western countries take the black as a funeral said; in the internationalcommunication occasions, avoid chrysanthemum, Rhododendron, pink flowers, yellow flowers dedicated to the guests, had become the rule; in addition, in Chinese were considered auspicious, happy the elephant, the peacock, longevity, cranes and other animal motifs were also in urgent need of the column in some western countries, were regarded as being stupid(UK), Whore (English, French) and stupid Han (France) said.
Hungary are more superstitious, new year's dinner table cannot display the production of poultry dishes, think that way, luck will be with the birds fly away.
Greeks love to sleep nap, due to sub tropical climate. Say "good afternoon" may include a night,finally respectively before saying "good night". The Greeks more traditional business methods,bargaining can be seen everywhere.
Austria people do not like to eat shrimp in the new year period. Because the shrimp will Daozhuo walk, a symbol of bad luck if you eat shrimp, new business year ahead will be difficult

Europeans comparison pay attention to etiquette, europeans and peoples life characteristics and different customs and habits, all these related to the historical tradition, social system and religion. In public, europeans exquisite manners, not casually. Meet, general is according to name, in the combined with Mr. Outside of southern Europe and eastern Europe countries, meet their handshake. Europeans to dress is more exquisite, never sloppy. The Nordic people very pay attention to the date of arrive on time. Home.purchasing them to Western Europe, but the hostess flowers (taboo "13" beam) or chocolate and wine, pay attention to the gift of time is best not to drag the meal, as if to return the host of this meal, please. European countries have westerners about Numbers, colors, flowers and animals of many common taboo. Westerners generally taboo "13" and "Friday", the reason comes from the Christian legend; Many western countries, black is the as the representation of a funeral; In international communication occasions, avoid is used a chrysanthemum, azaleas, pink and yellow flowers to the guest, has become a practice; In addition, in China is considered auspicious, festival, the elephant, the peacock, cranes and other animals of longevity pattern in some western countries are in urgent need, was seen as stupid (UK), whore (Britain, France) and stupid (France). Hungarian more superstitious, New Year's day is not allowed to put on table poultry dishes, think that way, luck will be with the birds fly away. Greek people love sleep nap for subtropical climate. Say "good afternoon" can include late at night, finally just said "good night", respectively. The greeks more traditional business methods, bargaining everywhere. The Austrian people don't like eating shrimp during the New Year. For shrimp will walk backwards, symbol of bad luck, if eat shrimp, new annual means it will be difficult to enterprise

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