
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11
中译英,句子 翻译

1, he asked me whether I like pop music
2, there is a period of time the children tired of dancing.
3, I want to know is it right? Marie intentionally break the plate.
4, Lili doesn't work here, because she was going to study in the United states.

I shoulden't have been so hurry.
He can't have taken the heavy suitcase this morning.
Linda has gone to work, she must have taken the bus.
He shoulden't have thrown away the old clothes.
I should have read the article,but I was too busy at that time!

爱上你我只用了一刹那:Only a moment when i fall in love with you
忘记你,可要用一辈子:It will take my lifetime to lose the memory of you


It was just an instant that I spent to fall in love with you. But it is my whole life that I will use to forget you!

It was no more than an instant that i fell in love with you.

BUT, anyway,

It could be really a lifetime that i learn to forget about you.

爱上你 我只用了 一刹那
(I love you with the cosmos)

忘记你 可我要用 一辈子
(To forget you but I will last a lifetime)

Falling in love with you I only spent a moment
I forget that you can take a lifetime

To love you, just on moment in time
To forget you, lasting for a lifetime.

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