
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

China has a big temperature difference.
this report takes no consideration of market change.
this team constitutes 22 members.
teachers alway encourage me to study hard.
no one stops him from carring out the plan

ベビー ,あなたが(此处最好有气氛地顿一下~)大好き,お诞生日おめでとう!
读音: Baby, a na ta ga da i si ki. o tang jiu bi o me de to!

1. 如果你在这样的天气出去的话,就会有感冒的危险。(there is a risk of…)
If you go out in this weather, there is a risk of catching a cold.

2. 这种乏味的工作简直是在浪费她的才能。(a waste of…)
Such a boring job is a waste of her talent.

3. 她在这一领域很有名气,她的许多成就得到了认可。(receive recognition for…)
She is very famous in this field, and have received recognition for many of her achievements.

4. 我把手表给了他,作为交换,他把照相机给了我。(in exchange for…)
I gave him my watch in exchange for his camera.

5. 飞行员多次试图重新控制住飞机,但最终未能逃脱厄运。(make attempt)
The pilot make many attempts to regain control of the plane but was unable to escape the deadly fate in the end.

6. 要不是Hector的突然闯入,我们的实验都已经成功了。(if it hadn’t been for…)
If it hadn'e been for Hector rushing in suddenly, our experiment would have been a success.

7. 他们叫那对新婚夫妇随意使用那所别墅。(at one’s disposal)
They told the newly wed to use the bungalow at their disposal.

8. 请你把话题局限在手头的问题上。(confine to…)
Please confine your topic to the issue at hand.

9. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案。(come up with…)
He could not come up with a suitable answer at that time.

10. 你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?(appeal to…)
Does a job at the joint-venture company appeal to you?

11. 汤姆每逢发薪日都捐5美元给慈善事业。(contribute…to…)
Tom contribute US$5 to the charity every payday.

12. 我要是你就不去介入他们的问题。(get/be involved in…)
I advice you not to get involved in their problems.

13. 言语使人区别于动物。(distinguish…from)
Language distinguish human from anumals.

1.如果你在这样的天气出去的话,就会有感冒的危险=If you are out in this weather, there will be danger of a cold
2.这种乏味的工作简直是在浪费她的才能=This tedious work is simply a waste of her talents,
3. 她在这一领域很有名气,她的许多成就得到了认可=
She is very famous in this area, and her many accomplishments have been recognized
4. 我把手表给了他,作为交换,他把照相机给了我=I gave him a watch, in exchange, he gave me a camera
5. 飞行员多次试图重新控制住飞机,但最终未能逃脱厄运=Repeated attempts to re-pilot controlling the aircraft, but ultimately could not escape the fate
6. 要不是Hector的突然闯入,我们的实验都已经成功了=But for Hector's sudden intrusion, our experiments have been successful
7. 他们叫那对新婚夫妇随意使用那所别墅=They called it the newlyweds are free to use and that the Villa
8. 请你把话题局限在手头的问题上=Please limit your conversation the issue at hand
9. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案=At that time he can not think of an appropriate answer
10. 你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?=You are not interested in the joint ventures to work?
11. 汤姆每逢发薪日都捐5美元给慈善事业=Tom every pay day five U.S. dollars are donated to charity
12. 我要是你就不去介入他们的问题=If I were you involved in their problems will not go
13. 言语使人区别于动物=Verbal people apart from the animals

there is a rish of catching cold if you go out in such a day.
it's a waste of her talent in such a bored work.
she is famous in this field and receives much recognition for her achievement
I give him the watch in exchange for the camera.
the pilot made attempts to control the plane,but he was doomed eventually

1. there is a risk of getting cold to go out in such bad weather

2. this kind of boring work is a waste of her talent

3. she is famous in this field and have received recognition for her achievement

4. I gave my watch to him in exchange for his camera.

5. the pilot made many attempts to regain control of the plane, but could not escape the trategy.

6. if it hadn't been for the sudden rush in of Hector, our experiment would have succeeded.

7. they told the newly wedded couple to use that castle at their disposal

8. please confine your topics to the issues currently in your hands

9. he couldn't come up with a suitable solution

10. does working for a joing venture company appeal to you?

11. Tom contributes to charity 5 dollars on each payday.

12. I won't get involved in their problems if I were you

13. language distinguishes human and animals

1.There is a risk of getting cold if you go out in such weather.
2.It is a waste of ability for her to do such a tedious job.
3.She is famous in this field,and she receives recognition for her achievement.
4.I gave him my watch ,in exchange of his camera.
5.The pilot made much attempt to recontrol the airplane,but still did not get rid of the misfortune.
6.If it hadn’t been for Hector's breaking in ,we would already have been accomplished.
7.They told the new married couple live in the house at their disposal.
8.Please confine the topic to the matter at hand.
9.At that time he could not come up with a suitable answer.
10.Are you appealed to get a job in a overseas-funded enterprises .
11.Tom always contributes 5 dollars to the charity.
12.If I were you ,I would not get involved in their business.
13.Languages distinguish human beings from animals.

1. There is a risk of catching a cold if you go out in such weather.
2. It is a waste her talent of doing such a boring job.
3. She has great fame in this field and receives recognition for the achievements she made.
4. I gave him the watch in exchange for the camera he gave me.
5. The pilot made attempt to recontrol the plane for many times, but he failed at last.
6. If it hadn't been for the entering of Hector, our experiment had succeeded.
7. Tell the new couple the villa is at their disposal.
8. Please confine the topic in the problems on hand.
9. At that time he didn't come up with a proper answer.
10. Does working in joint venture appeal to you?
11. Tom contributes 5 dollars to the charity every payday.
12. If I were you I would not get involved in their problem.
13. Language distinguishes human beings from animal.

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