
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

1.If you need something,please don't hesitate to tell me.
2.I guess that you want to get down to business this morning.
3.The performance of the dancer on the stage is graceful.
4.In order not to let my parents down,I have to catch up with my classmates as soon as possible.
5.Anyone who cheats in exams should be punished.
6.Sunqiao Agriculture Developed Zone proved to be a great success.
7.It leaves less and less differences between the diets of Weastern and Asian people.
8.Farming used to be considered dull and backward.
9.Have you ever felt like watching the movies as if you were really there?
10.It is not necessary to look up every word we meet in the reading.


1.Do you think this watch is worth 50 dollars?
2.My brother will go to Beijing a day or two day later, but he will come back soon.
3.Water is not only ordinary liquid in the world,but also it is the most important liquid.
4.The little boy seldom goes out at night,because his parents are very strict with him.
5.This bridge is badly damaged, who should be responsible for it?
6.Rice grows well this year because of warm wether and the sunshine is abundant.
7.My brother and I are so alike, people often think we are twins.
8.He said he saw your sister two days before.
9.Remember to call me and tell me the good news.
10.It's none of your business that we make friends with whom.

My younger female cousin immerses completely in the novel which she reads, periphery she has not realized the matter which completely occurs

Looks like the rain not to be able to stop, before we might as well go out, watches the DVD movie first

His recent novel involves to these day-long political scandal

、deeply lost in the novel she was reading, my niece has no idea of what was happening around her.

2、since the rain seems to last for a while, we may as well watch a DVD movie.

3、his latest novel contains reference of recent polital scandals.
觉得可以的话就~~~~~ 呵呵

1. She was lost in her cousin's reading of the novel that she was not aware of what is happening around.
2. Rain does not seem to stop, we might as well go out first before the Department of DVD movies.
3. His most recent novel reference to the political scandal over the past few days.

1.My younger female cousin immerses in the novel that she reads middle completely, to such an extent even she does not have the thing realizing that the vicinity happens completely
2.It seems that rain can not stop , watch before why do we not go out first DVD film
3.His nearest novel deals with politics this several day scandal

My niece is so lost in the novel that she is completely unaware of what is happening around her.
Since it keeps raining, why not watch a DVD before going outside?
His latest novel refers to the recent political scandals.

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    答:Thank you for your suggestion. Your idea is good. And we will discuss it with the manufacturer. But it requires a minimum order of 1,200 pieces for production. Otherwise it wouldn't do it. But we will try our best.Thank you for your suggestion again!