请英文好的朋友帮我把几句中文翻译成英文 谢谢了·

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

1. 你为什么会知道这件事?
How do u know about this?

He was treated as a foreigner.

Where were you during this whole time?

Player Version: 玩家版本

Header Version: 头领版本?(游戏有庄家之类的东西?)

Hits Received: 受到的打击?

Hits Inflicted: 造成的打击(应该是给别人的打击)

Experience From Kills: 杀戮获得的经验

Critical Hits Inflicted: 造成的致命打击(Critical就是致命的,击中要害的)

Critical Hits Received: 受到的致命打击

Player Version: 玩家版本

Header Version: ?

Player Score: 玩家分数

Kill To Death Ratio: 杀人/死亡 比率

Rounded to 2 decimal places: 舍入到2个十进制数字?(round就是把一个数四舍五入之类的意思吧)

Death Penalty (Approx. XP Loss): 死亡惩罚(大约的经验值损失?)

Teleport Data Version: 传送数据版本

Respawn Data Version: 重生数据版本

Rebirth Data Version: 复活数据版本(respawn可以不是生命之类的,比如血增加也可以叫respawn,而rebirth就是死了再活了)

Character Type: 人物类型

Skill Reclamation Points Used: 使用的回复技巧点数

View *NEW* Interface Sample: 查看“新”接口样例

View Inventory (Vault): 查看清单(一般是物品清单,vault是金库的意思,这里应该也是指游戏里的物品清单吧)

Clr: 我觉得这个应该是clear,清除


1;在患难的日子 胆怯就是弱者.
The timid means the weak during the trials and tribulations.
2 .善于深思熟虑的头脑 如同一堵精雕细刻的坚固墙壁.
The brain when used considerably is likened to a fortified wall carved in fine craftsmanship .
(介词用in :如:then we carved the statue with the special graver in fine craftsmanship,(当时我们用特制的雕刻刀用精湛的技艺雕刻了那个雕像)在一般表示动作的句子中,with 表示干活用的具体工具,in表示干活用的方法或看不见的某种“具体”的工具如 :in this way ,in English, in ink 等等)
3. 一个追求知识的学者必须有学习的时间 必须从诸般事务中摆脱出来.
A scholar who pursues knowledge must possess time to learn it and must get rid of too much of something insignificant .
4. 忍耐使灵魂宁静 依靠坚忍渡过困难时期
Exercising patience makes the soul be tranquillity , and going through the hard period needs perseverance .
5 . 有些人保持沉默是因为无话可说 有些人保持沉默是因为懂得说话要适时.
Some keep silence due to nothing to say .some keep silence due to knowing when to say .

1.Timidity makes one weak when in trouble.
2.Careful consideration is as strong as a finely-made wall.
3.A scholar in pursuit of knowledge must ensure the time to study and he have to get rid of anything.
4.Tolerance and patience rest the soul in peace. You will get through as you persevere.
5.Someone keeps silent for having nothing to say while someone just knows when to say.

1; In the day of trouble is the weak timidity
2; Good at thoughtful mind like a blocking provides the solid wall
3; A pursuit of knowledge must have the time to study scholars must be from the get out of a transaction
4; Patience makes soul quiet fortitude rely on through the difficult period
5; Some people keep silent because nothing to say some people keep silent because know speak to timely

Is weak and timid in the day of trouble
Good thoughtful mind is like a wall of carved solid wall
A pursuit of knowledge, scholars must have time to study to get out from all sorts of affairs.
Patience soul quiet rely on perseverance through difficult times
Some people remain silent because of nothing to say that some people remain silent because she knows talk time

1.Is weak and timid in the day of trouble
2.Good thoughtful mind is like a wall of carved solid wall
3.A pursuit of knowledge, scholars must have time to study to get out from all sorts of affairs.
4.Patience soul quiet rely on perseverance through difficult times
5.Some people remain silent because of nothing to say that some people remain silent because she knows talk time

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