
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-29

In the process of the formation of polyatomic molecules, atomic energy center of several similar atomic orbital regrouped, forming a group of new track, this process is called the orbital hybridization, new tracks produced is called hybrid orbital.
(1) s - P hybrid
Hybrid only s orbitals and p orbitals participate, mainly in the following three types: SP1 hybrid, SP2 hybrid, SP3 hybrid.
(2) s - P - D hybrid
NS track, NP track, nd track with the participation of hybrid called the S - P - D hybrid, in addition to within layer (n 1) d track, NS track, NP track together to participate in the hybrid modes, which mainly exists in transition metal coordination compounds, such as d3sp3 hybrid, d2sp3 hybrid etc..
(3) and other hybrid and range of the hybrid
Hybrid orbitals may be a group of energy and orbit to form hybrid process, also may be a group of energy is not equal to track each other. Therefore, the orbital hybridization method can be divided into equal and unequal hybrid hybrid.

我的回答是:With the sustainable development of economy in our country, the rapid growth of domestic residents income, disposable personal income increased dramatically, people demand for assets value.Saving is no longer regarded as a unique way of investment, and people more options, such as funds, bonds, insurance, and bank financial products arises at the historic moment.For domestic commercial Banks, personal finance business is an emerging business, a comprehensive financial service, it refers to the professional financial personnel customers various information collection, customer's financial goals and risk clear and definite attribute, the tailored financial solutions for customers, and meet the demand of customers at different stages of life, make it achieve financially independent, freedom of life.Compared with the personal finance business abroad, our country commercial bank personal finance business is still in its infancy, the low level of financial management, there are a series of problems.The current system limit the bank personal financial business innovation space, product homogeneityphenomenon serious, to strengthen the financial management personnel professional quality, personal finance business marketing has certain problem, financial risk control needs to be strengthened."

I think it needs is based on the situation.
If staff have the experience was not able to, I couldn't have attached importance to Him. I have no working ability of people in the company. The contrary, if the staff do not have any work experience, but his work, I will be very great importance to such employees, because he is inexperienced, But he'll ask him in the future become a valuable employee
如果职员有经验却无能力,我是不可能会重视他的. 我不能让一个没有工作的能力的人在公司工作. 相反,如果职员虽然暂时没有工作经验,但是他好学,我会很重视这样的员工,因为他虽然没经验,但是他的品质会让他在将来变成一位有价值的员工
Of course, the experienced staff better than no work experience, staff have an advantage, experienced staff if you how to make use of this advantage, then he will be of great value, because he knew how to make use of its advantages, This is his good points, I will attach importance to staff.Generally speaking, experienced staff as long as they don't idle, they are all worthy of attention, because of their experience will contribute to the development of the company.
So I think I will pay more attention to the experienced staff.

I believe that it depends.
If an employee is experienced, but isn't capable, it's impossible for me to think highly of him. I can't let a person who doesn't have work capacity to work for the company. On the contrary, if the employee doesn't have work experience temporarily, yet eager to learn, I'll value him seriously. Though he is inexperienced, his character enables him to be a valuable employee in the future.
Of course, experienced employees are superior to those inexperienced. If an experienced employee knows that he can make use of this advantage, he'll be of value, for it is his merit to employ his superiority. I'll pay attention to this kind of employees.
All in all, all the experienced employees deserve attention on condition that they are not lazy, and their experience will make a contribution to the development of the company.
Therefore, I think I will attach more importance to experienced employees.

你好,以下是我的翻译,希望对你有所Need I think this case may be.
If staff have experience either unable, I would not attach importance to him. I can not let a people without the ability to work in the company. On the contrary, if the staff though no work experience, but eager to learn, I will attach great importance to such employees, though not because of his experience, but his qualities that make him valuable in the future to become employees.
Of course, experienced staff to work than those without work experience, employees have an advantage, (experienced staff) if you know how to use this advantage, he will be very valuable, because he know how to use your own strengths, and this is his advantage, I will attach importance to such employees.
In general, employees with work experience if not lazy, they are worthy of attention, because their experience will contribute to the development for the company.
So I think I will pay more attention to employees with work experience.

I think this is necessary according to circumstances.

If staff have experience in either unable, I would not attach importance to him. I can not let a person without the ability to work in the company. On the contrary, if the staff though no work experience, but eager to learn, I will attach great importance to such employees, as though he did not experience, but his qualities would make him valuable in the future Bianchengyiwei staff.

Of course, experienced staff to work than those without work experience, employees have an advantage, (experienced staff) if you know how to use this advantage, he will be very valuable, because he know how to use your own strengths, and this is his advantage, I will attach importance to such employees.

In general, employees with work experience if not lazy, they are worthy of attention, because their experience will contribute to the development for the company.

So I think I will pay more attention to employees with work experience

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