
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

The food culture of China is witnessing many changes. As we all know, Chinese food culture has a long history. Chinese people makes varied kinds of delicacies with meat, vegetables and bean products, but usually it takes time, which doesn't meet the need of the fast modern society. Nowadays, we have many different choices: We have traditional home-made dishes as well as nutrient recipes and convenient and delicious fast food. Since the noon break is short, people don't want to spend much time on diet, many convenient and cheap take-aways become the top priority of people, especially the young man.


New world of the 21st century is a high-tech industry in the world, the society as a whole are trying to use science and computer technology to realize the life convenient and efficient. Colleges and universities in order to realize the convenience of living in students' supermarket are dense, supermarket management system in colleges and universities also follow. University supermarket management system is a specifically for the operation of the school inside the supermarket management system, it covers the employee's personnel arrangement, the circulation of goods, inventory and so on a series of elements necessary for the supermarket. The software ontology contains a lot of functions. It has devised two system including supermarkets staff and goods. Supermarket employees, including the employee's personal information, work arrangement, front desk, work progress, work flow, etc.; The commodity system contains

73 。商界的companyshall管理由directiors谁可能会支付所有的费用在促进和登记公司,可行使的一切权力,该公司的作为是不会,由行为或由这些规例,须行使由公司在大会上的题目, nevertheiess ,任何这些规例,该法的规定,以及这些规例, beding不违背上述法规或规定,作为可予订明该公司在大会上,但没有订立的规例,该公司在大会上应作废先前的任何行为,本公司董事会已有效,如果该规例尚未作出。




77 。所有支票,本票, draftsm汇票,和其他可转让票据,以及所有收据的钱支付给该公司,应签署,得出的,接受,赞同或以其他方式执行,作为中国科学院可能,任何两名董事或在其他方式的董事由时间来确定时间。

78 。董事应事业分钟作出
(一)所有任命的人员,从事在管理公司¯ s事务



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