
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06


The company was founded in 2000, is approved by the government in import and export of comprehensive trading company. Company with several supply manufacturer has fixed business contacts, source strong foundation. Recently, the company and the factory jointly developed a new product - HX series porcelain. This product selection finest porcelain clay fire, with exquisite gift box packing, plus hand-painted pattern, the beauty is generous, good quality, competitive. 希望采纳

Culture and language is indispensable.If the principle, that combine both of them ,would be used in every aspect of teaching and researching foreign language, it will be helpful for students'culture cultivation.Euglish teaching is a kind of language teaching so that it cann't put culture teaching away.Consequently,the principle that infiltrate the culture education into English teaching must be fullowed.

文化教育:culture education 英语教学:English teaching 文化差异:culture difference 跨文化教育:over culture education

Culture and language both inseparable, language and culture to the principle of combining the use of foreign language teaching and research into all aspects of language teaching, help fully to cultivate students' culture of subtle effect. English is the language teaching, teaching on culture and education. Therefore, in English education should follow some principles permeate, culture and education.

Words: cultural education, English teaching, Cultural differences, The cross-cultural education

Culture and language both inseparable, language and culture to the principle of combining the use of foreign language teaching and research into all aspects of language teaching, help fully to cultivate students' culture of subtle effect. English is the language teaching, teaching on culture and education. Therefore, in English education should follow some principles permeate, culture and education.

Words: cultural education, English teaching, Cultural differences, The cross-cultural education

Culture and language between the two are inseparable, the language and culture the principle of combining the use of the foreign language teaching and research at all levels to help give full play to the foreign language teaching and cultural qualities of the students cultivate the subtle role. Teaching of English language teaching are, of course, is inseparable from culture and education. Thus, in English education must be followed in principle, infiltration of culture and education.

词语:English teaching; cultural differences; cross-cultural education

Culture and language both are inseparable, make use of the principle that language and culture combine together to each level of the foreign language teaching and the research and contribute to well exertive foreign language teaching to develop to the student cultural character of change and influence imperceptibly of function.The English teaching is a language teaching and certainly can not get away from cultural education.Therefore want to follow a certain principle in English education, permeate cultural education.

Phrase language:the culture educate;The teaching of English;Cultural difference;Cross-cultural education

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