
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

泪水 最终将我淹没 到底谁该难过
Tears,it eventually inundates me and which one of us was hurted more?
究竟 是谁放掉 这段感情
and which one of us let the love between us go?
我才终于明白 现实中办不到的承诺 就成了枷锁
Finally I get it,what couldn't be done in real,became a true restriction in virtual
别告诉她 我还想她 恨总比爱容易放下
Please don't tell her that she's still in my mind and hatred always is more easily to be removed than love
当泪水堵住了胸口 就让沉默 代替所有回答
When tears blooded my chest,then,let the silence be my answet


The link between feeling good and spending money on others can be seen among rich and poor people around the world,and scarcity enhances the pleasure of most things for most people.




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  • 英语高手请进啊~~帮我用英语翻译一下,简单点就OK
    答:1.Goodmorning parents,welcome to our school!Today is the ** of October,the teachers are now shop managers, children can go buy their stuff 2.The class is over,let's go to the game room!选我吧!!