
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

新秩序是每小时60公里,60 miles an hour by new order
我不知我是否告诉过你i don't know if i told you
但我在寻求庇护but I'm seeking sanctuary
你永远也不该猜我做的事you'd never guess the things that i do
我曾为你染上魔鬼大麻i've had the devil around for tea

你不知我在你身旁?don't you know that i'm here beside you?
你看不到我无法轻松?can't you see that i can't relax?
当我从后面看到你when i saw you in my rear view
你本可以让我停下足迹you could have stopped me in my tracks

你有需要我随叫随到i'll be there for you when you want me to
我将一如既往的在你身旁i'll stand by your side like i always do
即使是夜深人静也无妨in the dead of night it'll be alright
因为你有需要我会随叫随到because i'll be there for you when you want me to

你可以将我带到小岛you could take me to an island
越过风暴的海洋ride across a stormy sea
我们可以只是寻欢作乐(直译:朝拜享乐主意者的偶像)we could worship pagan idols
那里只有你和我there together you and me

为什么你不跑来这里拯救我why don't you run over here and rescue me?
你可以开车过来的you could drive down in your car
为什么我们不坐上车拧动钥匙why don't we both take a ride and turn that key
我们将开每小时60英里we'll drive at sixty miles an hour

你有需要我随叫随到i'll be there for you when you want me to
我将一如既往的在你身旁i'll stand by your side like i always do
即使是夜深人静也无妨in the dead of night it'll be alright
因为你有需要我会随叫随到because i'll be there for you when you want me to

你有需要我随叫随到i'll be there for you when you want me to
我将一如既往的在你身旁i'll stand by your side like i always do
即使是夜深人静也无妨in the dead of night it'll be alright
因为你有需要我会随叫随到because i'll be there for you when you want me to

你有需要我随叫随到i'll be there for you when you want me to
我将一如既往的在你身旁i'll stand by your side like i always do
即使是夜深人静也无妨in the dead of night it'll be alright
因为你有需要我会随叫随到because i'll be there for you when you want me to

我体会你这种爱的感觉, 感觉很强, 很特别, 很新。您给我幸福礼物每天, 从未有I 已知它能是这样。你给了您的爱不管费用, 以我的心在你的关心, 我从未将丢失。或从未再奇迹什么爱真正地意味, 我暂时知道它意味许多事。了解和关心, 通过好时期和坏, 分享情感, 如果他们是愉快或哀伤的。是那里为彼此通过笑声或泪花, 在彼此的边为剩余我们的岁月。我唯一愿望将是以您, 我的爱, 对我祈祷对天堂上面的□天。您总记住我的感觉为您。感觉很强, 很特别, 很新!

be it ... 是英语让步状语从句中倒装的一种,让步状语从句可以译为“虽然……,无论……,不管……”。
这种倒装的结构一般为:“ 形容词(副词,动词,分词)+ as(或though)+主语+谓语”
例如: Brave as he is, he trembles at the sight of a snake.
Try as I might, I could not bring him round.
Be he king or slave, he shall be punished.

"be it A ,B,or C means "whether it is A ,B,or C,"也就是:不管它(it)是(be)A,是B,还是C...。是一种倒装用法。


人们需要改善在他们周围的那些人之间的关系,可能是同事, 爱人,或者陌生人。以此让彼此间的相处融洽。

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