谁能帮我把以下中文翻译成英语,要准确的啊。 急!急!

kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

I am very pleased that once again my turn to stand here and lecture. Today, my theme is the beauty of my desire.
From an early age, each of us are promised another one a beautiful wish. Then, looking forward to the day wish to achieve. I also like kids, I have six beautiful aspirations, they are little happiness in my heart. Today, I would like to share the extracts of the most beautiful in this life I desire.
The first hope is that someday, you can buy a round water bed. Will be placed in this bed my warm home, in the coming days and happy to sleep, doing a lot of dreams. The second hope is that I hope I can adopt a little girl to do his own children. I would like to convey my happiness to the world that children need love, hoping to make its own efforts to make her like me grow up healthy and happy. My third wish, I hope that every year can bring my mother went to take pictures, leaving her beautiful appearance. My mother is a very beautiful woman, and I hope that no matter how long before her beauty, her self-confidence remained unchanged. The fourth wish, I wish I could go to a Swiss. That's my favorite country, I like to enjoy the mountains of the Alps can stand and cry, loud crying, release all feelings. Fifth wish, I hope that my future home to a large aquarium, home working day looking at those cute fish swimming, I feel a kind of calm and tranquility. The sixth wishes, and your friends to do a lifetime. In the course of my life, because of you, it becomes happier. Therefore, I will use a lifetime of love to thank you.
Tomorrow is the year 2010, is the new year. I like the people I love to be happy. Finally I wish you could, like me, a dream come true.

Abnormal image is caused by sensor pin (VREFH) open, from the picture, found it is burned. Confirm the work voltages exceed limit voltage then lead sensor pin to burn.
Review the process, check the connection equipment, there is no other connector except computer with USB wire, and find the voltage used are all 3.3V.

Thank you for my advice, I also thank you for the concern. I would like to say to you: I am sorry, always making you angry before, and you often Duqi, I Zhicuo, please forgive me. Earth to the very fast, graduation just around the corner, perhaps we will soon be separated, leaving only our best memories

Thanks you to my advice, also thanks you to my care. I want to say the sound to you: Sorry, before always annoys you to be angry, is spiteful frequently with you, I knew mistakenly, please forgive me. The Earth transfers very quickly, graduates in namely, perhaps we very quick must separate, stayed behind is only we happiest recollection

晕,这绝对不是习题吧? 这是毕业分离留言,!我按照我的理解随便翻译一下,仅供参考:

Thank you for your advice and care, But I always make you angry before,So,I feeling so sorry and remorseful. Now, I know this, Excuse me. Time is fast,So, We will be separated, just left the best memories! I hope you happy every day, Good Luck.

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