
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-27

1、I turned away and looked out of the window. 我转过脸望向窗外。
2、don't turn your anger on the children. 不要对小孩子发火。
3、he turns 20 in june. 到六月他就满20岁了。
4、she turned against her old friend. 她敌对了她的老朋友。
5、why did he turn down your invitation. 为什么他拒绝了你的邀请呢?
6、the job turned out to be harder than we thought 工作变得比我们预计的困难了。
7、he turned the business over to his daugther.他把事业转交给了他女儿。
8、he stopped his car ,took off his seat belt and came out. 他停下车,揭开安全带就出去了。
9、she was taken on as a trainee. 她作为新人被录用了。
10、he took over the company. 他接管了这家公司。
11、the table takes up too much room. 这个桌子太占地方了。
12、fish takes in oxygen through their gills. 鱼用腮呼吸。

1、take french leave 不辞而别
2、a stony heart 铁石心肠
3、at one's fingertips 唾手可得
4、have a hand like a foot 情同手足
5、show one’s color 还以颜色
6、return good for evil 以德报怨
7、shut one's eyes to 视而不见
8、talk black into white混淆是非
9、turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻
10、turn over a new leaf 从头开始


1.Where are you?
2.Where are you now?
3.Where are you going?
4.Where have you been?
5.Have you been there?
另外:Where were you then?一般过去时
What are you doing?现在进行时
Where had you been?过去完成时
Where will I have been?将来完成时
What were you doing then?过去进行时

1.预报地震 - forewarn earthquake
by mimicking the olfactory function of dogs, produce "electronic dog","electronic nose"
passionate, wake up and go jogging based on master's timing
accompany master at night
can take hardship, have good appetite, good discipline and obidient
6.冬天抱住狗.可以保暖 - keep warm by hugging dog in winter
7.考验主人的爱心和耐心 - test master's love and patience
8.解闷 - kill boredom
9.剩饭剩菜给狗吃,不污染环境 reduce pollution by feeding left-over to dogs
10.使人缓解疲劳,舒缓压力 - reduce tireness and relieve pressure

1.预报地震 predict the earthquake
in intimation of dog nose, produce electrical dog, or elecrical nose
full of passion.
get up on time and go out for running in time under the supervision of the owner/host/master

no shitting pants at night.
tolerable, good appetite, regular living style,obedient
keep warm when holding the dog in winter.
the master's love and patience can be testified
for amusement
odds and ends for the dog. no pollution
ease pain and relieve pressure.

1.Earthquake Prediction
2.Imitate a dog nose of the olfactory function of the production of "electronic dogs" and "electronic nose"
3.Enthusiasm, to urge the Centre for the owner to get up on time running on time
4.Night Bangzhu embolden people
5.Able to endure hardship, good appetite, there are laws of life, obeying
6.Winter cling to the dog. Can keep warm
7.Test of the master of love and patience
9.Shengfan Shengcaigeigou eat, do not pollute the environment
10.People alleviate fatigue, relieve pressure

1. Forecasting earthquakes
2. Imitate the nose of a dog sniffed the production function of "electronic dogs" and "electronic nose"
3. Enthusiasm, to urge the Centre for the owner to get up on time running on time
4. Bangzhu night embolden people
5. Able to endure hardship, good appetite, there are laws of life, obeying
6. Winter cling to the dog. Can keep warm
7. Test of the master of love and patience
8. Jiemen
9. Shengfan Shengcaijigou eat, do not pollute the environment
10. Ease people fatigue, relieve pressure

  • 请英语高手进来。翻译一下
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