
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

这貌似是国外的发票 一般由被保险人发给保险公司来索赔,也就是保险公司按照发票信息将款打给开发票的机构,大多是药店。
invoice# 发票号
invoice due 发票到期日
invoice amt =amount 发票金额
收款人 应该就是这张纸左上方的那些字母所述信息 还有最下面框里的应该也有一部分信息(看不清好像是Ja Ms Drug吧 就是XXX药店)
被保险人 也就是谁开的药
希望能帮到你 有清楚点的照片咩。。。

Nana 是一个表现出色,行为端正并且很聪明的学生。她对这种语言表现出极大的兴趣。她喜欢参与班级活动和游戏。她对中文有非常棒的理解,并且能充满信心的回应字词核问题。她的发音也非常棒,令人印象深刻。我经常欣赏她能为其他学生做一个榜样。要继续保持这样良好的表现,nana

take me to your heart(吻别中英对照版)
歌手:Michael Learns to Rock 专辑:Take Me To Your Heart

take me to your heart
hiding from the rain and snow 藏身于雨雪之中
trying to forget but i won't let go 努力忘记,但我怎能就这样离去
looking at a crowded street 看着熙熙攘攘的街道
listening to my own heart beat 却只能听见自己的心跳
so many people 这么多的人
all around the world 在世界上
tell me where do i find 请告诉我在哪里可以找到
someone like you girl 像你一样的女孩
take me to your heart将我留存心间
take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴
give me your hand before i'm old给我你的手,在我老去之前
show me what love is 问情为何物
- haven't got a clue 在我们彼此离开前
show me that wonders can be true 问奇迹上演
they say nothing lasts forever 他们说没有什么可以天长地久
we're only here today 我们也能此时相守
love is now or never 现在或者永不回头
bring me far away 请带我一起远走
take me to your heart请爱我吧
take me to your soul与你的灵魂相伴
give me your hand and hold me 给我你的手拥我入怀
show me what love is 问情为何物
- be my guiding star 让星辰照亮我路
it's easy take me to your heart 其实爱我真的很简单
standing on a mountain high 站在高山之颠
looking at the moon through a clear blue sky 看着月亮高挂于清澈的蓝天
i should go and see some friends 也许我应该去和朋友们在一起
but they don't really comprehend 但他们真的不明白我此时的心情
don't need too much talking 不需要繁琐的言语
without saying anything 甚至可以一语不发
all i need is someone 我仅仅需要
who makes me wanna sing 一个能让我欢乐而歌的人

歌手: Michael Learns To Rock 专辑: Michael Learns To Rock 歌手:迈克尔学摇滚专辑 :迈克尔学摇滚
(Music:Jacky Zhang/Words: Jascha Richter) (音乐:著名张/词: jascha里克特)
Hiding from the rain and snow躲藏从雨雪
Trying to forget but I won't let go试图忘记,但我也不会放过
Looking at a crowded street看在一条拥挤的街道上
Listening to my own heart beat听我自己的心跳

So many people all around the world所以很多人都在世界各地
Tell me where do I find someone like you girl告诉我,我在哪里可以找到有人喜欢你的女孩

(Chorus) (副歌)

Take me to your heart take me to your soul带我去你的心带我去你的心灵
Give me your hand before I'm old给我你的手之前,我老
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue显示出我是何等的爱-没有线索
Show me that wonders can be true查看我说,不知道,可真
They say nothing lasts forever他们无话可说,到永远
We're only here today我们只是今天在这里
Love is now or never爱是现在还是从未
Bring me far away带我远离
Take me to your heart take me to your soul带我去你的心带我去你的心灵
Give me your hand and hold me给我你的手按住我
Show me what love is - be my guiding star显示出我是何等的爱-成为我的指导明星
It's easy take me to your heart人们很容易带我去你的心
Standing on a mountain high站在山高
Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky看月亮,透过清晰的蓝天
I should go and see some friends我应该去看看一些朋友
But they don't really comprehend但他们并不真正理解
Don't need too much talking without saying anything并不需要太多的谈只做不说
All I need is someone who makes me wanna sing所有我需要的是某位使我想唱歌

Take me to your heart take me to your soul带我去你的心带我去你的心灵
Give me your hand before I'm old给我你的手之前,我老
Show me what love is - haven't got a clue显示出我是何等的爱-没有线索
Show me that wonders can be true查看我说,不知道,可真

They say nothing lasts forever他们无话可说,到永远
We're only here today我们只是今天在这里
Love is now or never爱是现在还是从未
Bring me far away带我远离
Take me to your heart take me to your soul带我去你的心带我去你的心灵
Give me your hand and hold me给我你的手按住我
Show me what love is - be my guiding star显示出我是何等的爱-成为我的指导明星
It's easy take me to your heart人们很容易带我去你的心

Take me to your heart take me to your soul带我去你的心带我去你的心灵
Give me your hand and hold me给我你的手按住我
Show me what love is - be my guiding star显示出我是何等的爱-成为我的指导明星
It's easy take me to your heart人们很容易带我去你的心

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