
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01



I got you under my skin... 爱你到骨子里



This passage is for all the friends of XXX
friendship is more important than love
XX thinks that friends are everything for him\her
those people who calling him\her XX
who playing jokes with him\her, who laughing at each other but never get angry
who didn't comfort but playing joke hardly to him\her when he\she was unhappy
because of the valuable friendship
XX would like to hear you call him\her XX instead of his\her full name
XX would like to play jokes with you all
XX don't want to be a skunk
so XX hope we can be friends like now many years later
whatever you take XX as a friend or not
you are always the most important people in XX's heart.


XX is right
Important than the love with friendship
XX is the most valued friends
Those who would call him XX
XX joke will follow one another to belittle those who are not angry
In the XX unhappy unhappy when the time is not a consolation, but even more animatedly joke to XX people laugh
Because it attached great importance to
Therefore, XX will be pleased to hear that you told him to tell him to XX instead of the full name of
Therefore, XX will be happy with you joke with each other to belittle each other
So, you want to be treated as nuisance XX
Therefore, XX very much hope that you can take many years to be able to as they are now, we still very good friends
Whether you are a friend when the improper XX
However, in XX hearts, you will always be the most important person XX


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