
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Case work conceived, born in the western society, the value idea, practice mode and work skills and work ethic are generated according to the value orientation and cultural ideas of Western society, so, when the strong Western culture system was introduced into China in order to solve the problem Chinese, also there are various difficulties and problems, the difficulty and problem not only affects the solution to the problem of case social work practice, hindering the harmonious development of the society, but also restricts the social work itself in the China local development. Therefore, in order to better use case will be produced in the west work better in Chinese practical to solve the problem, but also to promote the perfection of social work in China development and its professional itself, discussion and reflection of some of the problems this paper will simple case work in Chinese local development process.

Beijing plans to invest 760000000000 yuan in the next three years of pollution control, starting from the reduction of PM2.5 emissions. The newly released plan aims to reduce the four major sources of pollution, including 500 million motor vehicles exhaust emissions, coal burning in surrounding areas, from northern sand dust storm and local construction dust, also 850 billion yuan used to build or upgrade of urban sewage treatment and garbage treatment facilities and 300 million yuan investment in the coming three years of afforestation. The municipal government also plans to build a number of water recycling factories, and to stop illegal construction to improve the environment. In addition, Beijing will also be severely punished for violations of the provisions of the emission reduction behavior.

Since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, the Chinese government has made a lot of efforts to protect the ecological environment , and made effective progress.

The government has taken a series of major initiatives to protect and improve the ecological environment, such as actively promote key ecological projects, strengthen the construction of ecological system and the protection of biological diversity , the establishment of a nature reserve , ecological demonstration area, and the Forest Park scenic area.

Strengthening the protection and construction of the ecological environment and realizing the harmony between man and nature is one of the important goals of building a socialist harmonious society .

Environmental protection and ecological civilization construction provide a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China's economy and society.

Since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and opening up, the Chinese government has made a lot of efforts to protect the ecological environment , and made effective progress. The government has taken a series of major initiatives to protect and improve the ecological environment, such as actively promote key ecological projects, strengthen the construction of ecological system and the protection of biological diversity, the establishment of a nature reserve, ecological demonstration area , and the Forest Park scenic area. Strengthening the protection and construction of the ecological environment and realizing the harmony between man and nature is one of the important goals of building a socialist harmonious society . Environmental protection and ecological civilization construction provide a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China's economy and society.


Since the founding of New China, especially since the economic reform and door-opening to the world, the Chinese government has made considerable efforts in eco-environmental protection and achieved effective progress. The government has taken a series of important measures to protect and improve the ecological environment, such as actively promoting key ecological projects, enhancing ecosystem construction and biodiversity conservation, establishing a number of nature reservations, ecological demonstration zones, scenic spots and forest parks. One of the important goals of building a socialist harmonious society is to strengthen ecological protection and construction and to achieve harmony between man and nature. Environmental protection and ecological civilization construction have provided a solid foundation for the sustainable development of China's economy and society.

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