
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-13

1)The environment is still so terrible,even more terrible than ever!

我觉得这句话语法没有问题,不过如果作为演讲的话,也可以考虑写成The environment is still in trouble (or: in danger), even in more trouble (in more danger) than ever! 这个用法相对来说更口语化一些,但是更加强调“环境问题还是很严峻”~ 仅供参考;-)
2)你的第一句里面because of用的不对,因为because of是表示贬义的“由于”,但是你的这个句子里是想说“多亏有了清洁人员的工作”,所以建议改成"thanks to"。另外the cleaner用来泛指整体的时候要用复数哦

I can see rubbish everywhere on my way to school every morning: that's because the cleaners haven't started their work yet. It even happened twice that tiny, invisible rubbish particles got into my eyes!
- 首先,英文里的1次和2次都比较特殊,是once和twice,千万别写成one time和two times
- 中文直接说的是“细小的垃圾”,但其实指的是细小(tiny)、几乎看不见(invisible或者hardly visible)的垃圾颗粒飞进了眼睛,所以我才这样翻译~

Yes, it is sad that here in (the name of your city) we do not pay enough attention to evironment protection. I just hope that all of us (or "they" as you wrote in Chinese) can change a little bit their attitude towards this issue (I mean the issue of "environment protection")...

Yet (or: But/ However) only words are far from sufficient.


1)建议把第一个句号和who was都去掉--》I once saw a cleaner cleaning on the street. 因为本身see sb doing sth就是一个常见结构,这样写就比较简洁一些
2)我觉得可以考虑把时态换成过去进行时,因为是清洁工人打扫街道的同时,那个女的在乱扔垃圾,所以可以用进行时--》But beside her, a woman was still throwing rubbish (onto the ground).
另外beside有点偏紧挨着的意思,所以也可以考虑写:But just several steps away, a woman was still throwing rubbish. 几步之外,有个女的还在扔垃圾


I once saw a cleaner,who was cleaning in the street. But beside her, a woman should throw rubbish.

没有太多语法错误。在街上:in the street。但是表达不好。still是仍然,依旧的意思,表示继续,改动了,供参考啊。should(竟然)

on the street 改为in the street或on the road,still用在这里有点怪怪的 不过语法上没有错了,还有最好把最后一句改成threw rubbish on the ground

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