
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

It is such comforting companions i wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist, who will only fill up the healing(愈合的) silence necessary to those darkest moments in which i would rather be my own best friend.


the healing silence necessary to 这里暗藏了一个从句 the healing silence (that is )necessary to

主语: These questions
系动词: are
主语补语(表语): political

状语: in the sense that thedebate over them(them 指代主语these questions)will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit ofdisinterested inquiry than an academic power strugglein which the careers and professional fortunesof many women scholars—only now entering the academic profession in substantialnumbers—will be at stake, and with them the chances for a distinctivecontribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might be animportant influence against sexism in our society.

状语主体: in the sense that thedebate over them (them 知道主语these questions)will inevitably be less {an exploration ofabstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry} than {an academic power struggle} 更多的是学术上权力斗争而非客观精神指导下的对抽象事务的分析. 句子是less A than B 结构, A和B已用{}标出

状语中修饰power struggle的定语从句: in which(which 指代前文power struggle)the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars—only now enteringthe academic profession in substantial numbers(插入语,可以先去掉以方便分析)—will be at stake, and with them(最大的难点是这个吧,这个them 指代前面所说的 womens cholars, 而非主句的主语, 否则句子不完整) the chances for adistinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that mightbe an important influence against sexism in our society.

这些问题是政治性的,因为不可避免地,围绕这些问题展开的辩论) 更多的是权力斗争而非客观精神指导下的对抽象事务的分析。在此斗争中,许多女学者中(近期才以稳定数量进入学术界的女学者)以及与她们一同出现的对人文理解作出一种独特的,很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存在的性别主义的一股重要影响的机遇,成为了争论的焦点。

虚拟语气,条件句的时态用过去完成时,主句用would 、should/could +现在完成时
You'd have gone into shock 就是you would have gone into shock,你就会休克,(事实上没休克)
因为,从句和主句都是同一主语,他。所以,可以去掉一个主语他,而用分词或不定式来替换,判断方法是,主语和谓语是主谓结构,用现在分词,动宾结构,用过去分词,将来的用不定式,动作有先后的,用having done
这里,he leave,是主谓结构,所以,用leaving,
when he left the main road,he start the five-mile climb up the steep mountain road to the next town
另外,5英里的山路,你的原句貌似多了一个s,这种复合形容词,用 five-mile来表达

楼上分析的很okay 了。


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