
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06


2.On behalf of our principle, we are pleased to confirm your order on the terms and conditions listed below

3.to release capital presure of both ends.

4.to release seller's stock presure, the buyer must cooperate with the seller, and the seller should make promotion positively as well.

5.Contract effected on signatures of the buyer and the seller on fax.

坦白说, 你这完全是把中文合同翻译成英文来搞, 用于国际贸易的话很不地道。

1)翻译长句的前提是理解长句,英文的修饰语,因为长,或习惯等原因,常常放在被修饰词的后边;汉语则习惯把修饰语放前边。如:each challenge in our education注意汉语顺序:学习上的每一个挑战; the purpose of it=其目的; learn more about themselves=更多地了解自己。the chance to learn more about themselves=更多地了解自己的机会
It is our duty to try our best to do sth.尽最大努力做好某事是我们的责任。汉语没有形式主语,所以真主语要放在形式主语的位置。The leaders believe... and say...
3) 时间状语、地点状语、方式状语,英语在后,汉语放前:deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers在老师的帮助下应对学习上的每一个挑战; believe strongly in the program对此项目(计划)深信不疑
4) 尝试把复杂修饰语添加回主干,为了符合汉语习惯,可适当加词、减词、改变语序。

You have to bet on the weather if you plan to go for vocation in UK.
2.这个孩子对让Michael Tordom在自己的T恤上签名感到兴奋.
The kid was very excited to have Michael Tordom signed on his T-shirt.
The mother was very grateful to the strangers who saved her kid.
Mud on the face, the kid entered the room.

2.这个孩子对让Michael Tordom在自己的T恤上签名感到兴奋.
This kid was thrilled about Michael Tordom's autograph on his T-shirt.
The mother was grateful for these strangers' saving her kid's life.
This kid entered the room, with mud all over his face.

1:you should talk about wether with strangers if you go Britain for a holiday
2:the kid get excited because of the idiograph Michael Tordom signed on his T-shirt

3:The mother appreciated these strangers in mind for their rescue of her kid

4: the boy got mud on his face when he came into house.

1. You have to bet on the weather when you go for vacation to UK.
2. The child was excited that Michael Tordom signed on his T-shirt. / The child was excited in Michael Tordom's signing on his T-shirt.
3. The mother was grateful to the strangers who saved her child's life.
4. The child entered the room, mud on the face.

1.If you must go England are on a vacation, you should in the weather aspect bump the luck.
2.This child to lets Michael Tordom pity the signature in own T feels excited.
3.The mother because these strangers rescued own child's life but the heart saves the gratitude.
4.This child entered the room, on the face moistens the full sludge.

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