
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12
英语题,急啊~ 英语高手请进!在线等

It‘s astonishing that she saw aliens.
We can't live without drinking water.

( ) I am not full,please me _____ one
A other B another C the other D others

选B another

( )The two men are _____ us still alive
A surprised to see B surprised seeing C surprising to see D surprise to seeing

选A surprised to see

four. five.

All the methods can induce the bone marrow MSCs to differentiate into cardiac cells, which expressing cardiac cell specific protein and HCN2.
All the methods是主语 can induce是谓语 the bone marrow MSCs是宾语 to differentiate into cardiac cells是宾补,后面是非限制性定语 which expressing cardiac cell specific protein and HCN2

所有的方法 可以促使骨髓MSCs分化成心脏 细胞 ,这表现 了 心脏细胞 特定蛋白质和HCN2

太专业 供参考

All the methods can induce the bone marrow MSCs to differentiate into cardiac cells, which expressing cardiac cell specific protein and HCN2.

into应为from,expressing没有问题,非谓语独立主格,做整个句子的状语,此时which代表all the methods,亦即话可以这样说:
Expressing cardiac cell specific protein and HCN2,all the methods can induce the bone marrow MSCs to differentiate (it) from cardiac cells.


问题好像不在expressing吧,differentiate这个地方,有明显毛病,induce the bone marrow MSCs to be differentiated from intocardiac cells,我觉得才好,因为The bone marrow MSCs do not express specific protein and HCN2 in those methods.

这里是表状态,所以用现在分词。这句话不是重点说明性能,所以不用expresses。也不是说明正在进行的动作,所以不用is expressing。

如果用后两种,从语法上来说也是正确的,但不生动贴切。你体会下这句话表达的意味,“它随时都在表达着蛋白质和hcn2”,是一种不会改变得客观状态,是无可争论的事实。不是说它有表达的能力(那么用expresses),也不是说它在说这句话时正在表达(is expressing)。只有用expressing才能表达这个意味。



All the methods can induce the bone marrow MSCs to differentiate into cardiac cells, which expressing cardiac cell specific protein and HCN2.
所有的方法都可以诱导骨髓间充质干细胞分化成心肌细胞, 使其表现出心肌细胞特异性蛋白和HCN2。
超级化激活环核苷酸调控的阳离子通道(hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 2,HCN2)

All the methods can induce the bone marrow MSCs to differentiate into cardiac cells, which expressing cardiac cell specific protein and HCN2

所有的方法都可以诱导出bone marrow MSCs (B细胞)是不同于心脏细胞的,这些方法表现了心脏细胞与众不同的蛋白质和HCN2.


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