
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12

Self-confidence in life can improve the success rate of work、
Confident people better quality of life
Self-confidence in life can improve a person's mental outlook.
We must always remain confident attitude.
we sometimes can not be too confident, so as not to become proud.
using a confident attitude to change lives.

Disturbed - Decadence


1,take it away
2,interested in collecting stamps
3,were raising money for
4,have been watching TV
5,The harder...the more

1,take it away
2,interested in collecting stamps。
3,are raising money for charity
4,have been watching TV
5,The harder ,the more

take it away
interested in stamp collection.
are raising the wind of
have watched.
the harder, the more

1.take it away
2.interested in collecting stamps
3.were raising money for
4.has been watching TV
5. the more the more

Your shirt is too dirty,Please_____________.
take it away
Her brother is____________.
interesting in collecting stamps
Jenny said they___________________charity
The children ___________________for three hours
had watched TV
__________you work,_____________money you will make.
the harder , the morre

1. take it away
2. interested in collecting stamps
3. were raising the wind for
4. have been watching TV
5. The harder , the more

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