
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12

The students celebrated New Y ear’s Day ___by___holding a party.
:(1)What__is__your computer___used__(use)for?
be used for 被用来做什么
(2)You may go out and piay as soon as your homework____finished_(finish)

英文名最好不要起什么moon,sun 之类的,外国人没有叫这种名字的,暮雪 可以叫


"I respectfully offer myself for the post. "我刚查了才知道原来post也有“职位”的意思,但是感觉总是怪怪的,总觉得用"position"会比较自然。如果想让语气看上去更尊敬的话可以把这句写成"I would like to ..."的形式。

"I have been serving for over 5 years in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital."
首先,这句话没有写明自己的职位,可以用"I have been serving as a/an ... in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital for over 5 years."
其次,以自我介绍来说这句似乎太短了一些,不能很好的体现自己的专业水平。可以适当增加一些关于自己学历的内容,比如"As shown in the attached document, I got my degree of ...(学位) in Sun Yat-sen University in ...(年份)"之类的,不用怕跟第二段的简历重复,相反这样还能起到着重指出的作用。

"So I must to say that I have long been hopeful of working for your hospital after graduation"
这一句感觉有些突兀,如果能在这句前面加上一两句对这个医院的赞赏的语句看上去会比较合理。不加的话开头的"so"就可以去掉,因为这里没有明确的因果关系。"must to say"的语气有点过强,建议用"would like to say";"long"可以去掉;"hopeful of working for"可以改成"looking forward to work for";另外这里用"after graduation"有点怪怪的,用"for a long time/for many years"似乎会更自然一些。

"that I have the privilege of"这里用"privilege"想表达的意思是什么?"I will greatly increase my experience and my education."这句没有错,但表达上有点怪怪的,反正这一句想表达的是自己的收获,同招聘单位没有直接联系,所以就算去掉也没什么影响的。

"I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview."(It would be my pleasure if you granting me an interview.)纯粹个人意见,原句完全没问题。

"I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications."这里没必要用"which I think...",可以直接说"... sheet showing my academic qualification and professional experience"


第二段最后的"PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE"部分,也建议加上自己的现任职务。

水平有限,只发现两个大小写问题:Zhongshan University;Guangzhou
另外,Madam即可,Madame好像是法语吧 !——
I have been serving for over 5 years in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital. 这句先说地点再说时间会更好些吧
“ am sure that I have the privilege of serving in your hospital,”这句什么意思?“我有特权在您的医院服务?”什么特权?
a personal data sheet 可以改为 resume(简历的意思)
前面“I must to say”用的严重了些,“I have to say”就行了吧
be eager to do就是渴望热望have been本身就表示持续不用加long
“I will greatly increase my experience and my education. ”这句不太好,好像是要去人家那里练手一样。说一说主观上会努力工作什么的会比较好。个人见解,仅供参考。

April 6,2007
P.O.Box 3
zhongshan University
guangzhou,China 510000
Dear Sir/Madame,

With reference to(to 改为of,因为reference 是名词) your advertisement in Guangzhou Daily for Surgeon, I respectfully offer myself for the post(POST改变position,贴切一点).
I have been serving for over 5 years in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital. (最好后面注明岗位,as…….)
So I must(must 太生硬了,用有能力胜任,这句话你可改为so I am able to server for your hospital after graduation )to say that I have long been hopeful of working for your hospital after graduation, I am sure that I have the privilege of serving in your hospital, I will greatly increase my experience and my education. (同时简历中不要写太多的在你们公司能够学到什么,这个要避免,因为工作是希望你能付出,而不再是学校)
I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview. (改为waiting for your interview,不要很突出我想怎么样,应该委婉一点)
I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications. (工作中的英语是希望简洁明了,你只须说明附件中是我的简历)
Li Ping
Li Ping
Tel: 020-3721-8037
Email: Li Ping@yahoo.com.cn
Add: No.29 Guangsan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhong
Jan. 1996 :
Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou, China
February 1992:
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China ,
Master of Medicine.
First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University



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