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Perhaps, years later, I might forget your face, but I will forever remember the scent of you.

Perhaps, years later, when I run into this scent, I will recall the memory of you, along with the times with you. (“关于你的时光”好像是个很奇怪的表述啊,你认为呢?)

Maybe many years later, I might forget your face, but I will remember the smell of your body forever.
Maybe many years later,when feeling this smell again, I will immediately remind of you, and those times about you.

Perhaps,after years and years, I will forget your face, but what I will memorize forever, is your nice fragrance.
Perhaps, after years and years, when I smell the fragrance again, I will visualize you and the time which we passed.

Perhaps after many years past, I should remember your smell for ever, although may forget your facelooking
Perhaps after many years past, at the moment when that smell appears aggain, I will recognize you and those time spent with you at ance.

好扇情哦,虽然我准备睡觉了,可是还是给你翻译下:maybe i won't remember your appearance clearly many years later,but i will be always getting your smell,then after many decades,when i smell the smell again, i will think of you immediately,along with the days we spent together

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