
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-12
!!今晚在线急 中译英3句话 英语翻译高手速进,

1.Accroding to the survey,primary and middle school students appear some phenomenons like ill-health,eye-sighted and fall in a faint at present.
2.With the development of society,primary and middle school students facing more and more pressure,a lot of classes everyday,long time and work overtime to homework make students' body quality decrease obviously.
3.In order to improve students' body quality,I suggest students to take more sports exercise,do combining exertion in the usual study.
4.This article mainly tells us, physical exercise helps to reduce the risk for the people. If people do not exercise or no other activities, will sick easily.



The fried rice with diced pineapple is most to eat of Thailand.

Thailand makes the most delicious fried rice with diced pineapple in the world.

My dream is always of study abroad.
It has always been my dream to study abroad.


My have played never to happy so much in today.
I've never played so happy like today.happy可以跟在play 后面,不要用happily.

We are going to eat for dinner.
Let's go for dinner.


I'm always drinking a cup of coffee in every day.
I've got used to drinking a cup of coffee every day.


I will read books to go home. It is more quietly.
I'd rather read at home,because it is more quiet there.



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