
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

From this day onwards, my winter vacation ends up, I have to start to take my tedious classes.

I always feel I'm full of eternal homework, which irritates me.

What do you usually do to release pressure from work on holiday?

His late is not because of sick but of the lazy.
Music is available here via radio for 24 hours for people.
Not passing the year-end exam made a long terrible relationship between he and his parents.

1Eating out in restaurants has quite a lot of undesirable disadvantages for me.

2Whatever the problem is, you are welcome to describe it for me and I would help you with it.

3As there are so many people there, the competition as you mentioned is more fierce among peers.

3、 由于有这么多的人在那里,因而你提到的同行业竞争将更加激烈。

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