
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

Dear buyer, since September 30th to October 7th is China 's Mid-Autumn Festival and national day double holiday time, our delivery may be delayed, the inconvenience to you, please understanding

That blind child was trying to find out steps onto the staircase
They quietly run, has not let the parents know
he Japan industrial production has already surpassed Germany

If in the next free time, I can the task management better
Telephone and so on this when person back and forth walksslowly and aimlessly step

Developing the sound social atmosphere by judging things with scientific perspective and being responsible one's actions as well as defending justice
People should be responsible for his actions and defend justice.
The sound social milieu can help promote both the social progress and civilization.

  1. Establish the social atmosphere of scientific attitude in solving problems.

  2. Take on self-responsibily, including the result of the behavior and defending the justice.

  3. Fair social atmosphere will promote the social development and culture.


  1. To form a favorable social atmosphere that is to view things with a scientific attitude.

  2. People should responsible for themselves, including being responsible for action consequence and standing up for justice.

  3. A favorable social atmosphere is the important power to improve social development and civilization.

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  • 英语高手请进,帮我把中文翻译成标准英文。
    答:维护叙利亚的稳定。2, the EU should take the lead in action to provide economic aid to Syria and help and support, maintaining the stability of Syria.3、建立‘叙利亚问题选举委员会’,在叙利亚国内进行一次由各个国家监督之下的人民选举,并通过人民的选举与投票结果决定总统阿萨德是否下台。