
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11



Jurisprudence, Contract law, Civil law, Civil Procedure Law, Administrative law principles and practices, Litigation principles and practices, Economic Law, Contract Law, Environment and Resources Protection Law, Criminal Law Principles and Practices, Principles and Practices of Mediation, Moot Court, etc.
Chemical basis, higher mathematics, engineering drawings, electrical engineering and electronics, engineering mechanics, safety ergonomics, psychology of security , safety engineering and safety assessment, safety management, basic architecture, safety and environmental detection, accident case studies and research , electrical safety technology, industrial hygiene technology, construction security technology, security economics, safety technical design, OHSMS18000 auditing skills, safety laws and regulations of production, the control and treatment technology of industrial waste, the treatment technology in chemical industry, mechanical safety design.


中医诊断学 = Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
望闻问切 = Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM
叩诊 = percussion
触诊 = palpation
听诊 = auscultation
检查 = inspection
观察 = observing
看 = looking
听诊 = auscultation
听 = listening
闻 = olfaction
问 = inquiry
脉搏 = pulse
感觉脉搏 = pulse-feeling

aa——各 et——及、和
Rp.——取、请取 sig./S.——用法、指示
St./Stat.——立即、急速 Cit.——急速
s.o.s.——需要时 p.r.n——必要时
a.c.——饭前 p.c.——饭后
a.m.——上午 p.m.——下午
q.n.——每晚 h.s.——睡前
q.h.——每小时 q.d.——每日1次
B.i.d.——每日2次 T.i.d.——每日3次
Q.i.d.——每日4次 q.4h.——每4小时1次
p.o.——口服 ad us.int.——内服
ad us.ext.——外用 H.——皮下注射
im./M.——肌肉注射 iv./V.——静脉注射
iv gtt.——静脉滴注 Inhal.——吸入
O.D.——右眼 O.L.——左眼
O.S.——单眼 O.U.——双眼
No./N.——数目、个 s.s——一半
ug.——微克 mg.——毫克
g.——克 kg.——千克(公斤)
ml.——毫升 L.——升
q.s——适量 Ad.——加至
Aq.——水 Aq.dest.——蒸馏水
Ft.——配成 Dil——稀释
M.D.S.——混合后给予 Co./Comp.——复方的
Mist——合剂 Pulv.——散剂
Amp.——安瓿剂 Emul.——乳剂
Syr.——糖浆剂 Tr.——酊剂
Neb.——喷雾剂 Garg.——含漱剂
rtt./gutt.——滴、滴眼剂 collyr.——洗眼剂
Ocul.——眼膏 Liq.——溶液剂
Sol.——溶液 Lot.——洗剂
Linim.——擦剂 Crem.——乳膏剂(冷霜)
Ung.——软膏剂 Past.——糊剂
Ol.——油剂 Enem.——灌肠剂
Supp.——栓剂 Tab.——片剂
Pil.——丸剂 Caps.——胶囊剂

中医诊断学 = Diagnostics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
望闻问切 = Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM
叩诊 = percussion
触诊 = palpation
听诊 = auscultation
检查 = inspection
观察 = observing
看 = looking
听诊 = auscultation
听 = listening
闻 = olfaction
问 = inquiry
脉搏 = pulse
感觉脉搏 = pulse-feeling




触诊 palpate
叩诊 percuss



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