
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

Hello!Xiao Ming. I has received your e-mail today.Thank you very much to introduce a girl friend / boy friend to me.But I just accidentally deleted your e-mail, so please send Xiao Hong's mail-box to me, okay? Thank you!


1.Green beverage
2.Hot and cool tea
3.Please each guest attention, staff member didn't°yet by that time, can not inside enter, otherwise the result be complacent.
4.Hot springs area
5.Piao snow hot springs
6.Aquatic paradise
7.Music fountain
8.If the above open time has fluctuation, press to announce on that day for quasi.

green drink,/healthy drink不知道你强调绿色还是健康的,
2 hot&cool tea
all guests pay attention, anybody cannot enter while the worker is not around, otherwise, taking care of any consequence.
spring zone
。。。。 spring 这个意思不太好,飘雪到底是票什么,但显然不会是雪,
waterborne fairyland
music fountain
if there are any changes of opening time above, take the intraday time as the standard.

1) Drink green
2) Heat Chinese herb tea
3) Please note that guests and staff have yet to, shall not enter, or own risk.
4) hot spring area
5) spring snow drift
6) Water Park
7) musical fountain
8) more open to change, whichever is published by the day.


1)Green drinks
2)Hot Chinese herb tea
3)Please note that guests and staff have yet to, shall not enter, or own risk.
4)Hot Springs area
5)Spring snow drift
6)Water World
7)Musical fountain
8)More open to change, whichever is published by the day.

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