
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

In marketing, public relations is an important aspect of public relations and marketing become increasingly interwoven and closely linked to form a mutually complementary to each other's complementary relationship. Good public relations to marketing are playing an increasingly important role in promoting. First, public relations organizations and the public can promote mutual understanding and understanding, thereby enhancing the organization's visibility and reputation, in order to pave the way for marketing. Second, the public relations may be involved in product development, corporate image building, enhance internal and external communication, marketing and a series of links, and even involved in the whole marketing process. In fact, in today's public relations practice, public relations and marketing is Nanshenanfen, and their mutual promotion and common development. This is the public relations in marketing the special role.

Key words: complementary relationship, participation, marketing process, and common development

151. 说句老实话,我宁愿在办公室里度过一个宁静的夜晚。
To tell the truth, I'd rather spend a quiet night in the office.
The doctor says that he has caught bad cold and needs to stay in bed for three days.
As far as I know, ever since her beloved dog is stolen she has been sad for weeks.
Although the train has left out of her sight, Wang Ling still stood on the platform looking far at the end of the road.
As usual, he listens to the news on 7 o'clock on the radio before having breakfast.
In those days, I read whatever I can get, as long as it's written in English.
She has lost her tongue by the shock.
We do not agree with him in assuming that he should be number one.
Even though you are the best employee in the company, you should still keep working hard.
It is true that some people can succeed in the earlier part of his life, but others have to work a long time to achieve their goals.

分类堆放 Category stacked
型砂配比 Sand ratio
型砂混制 Sand mixed system
上砂型平稳下落 Sand smooth on the whereabouts of

Category stacked
Sand ratio
Sand mixed system
Sand smooth on the whereabouts of

1.Category stacked
2.Sand ratio
3.Sand mixed system
4.Sand smooth on the whereabouts of

  • 请大家帮忙翻译(中译英)。先谢谢喽!
    答:上砂型平稳下落 Sand smooth on the whereabouts of 参考资料:谷歌翻译
  • 请大家帮忙,汉译英,先谢谢了~~
    答:In my opinion, people who killed animals and harmed enviornment,is just cost human's long term benefits for their own benefits. And in the end, ruin themselvs. Morally, they will be accused by others; Legally, they will be punished seriously by law.Because of that, I support...
  • 请大家帮我把这段中文翻译成英文,谢谢!!
    答:So in the mountains built a hut and then go back.有一天,国王发出了一个告示,让人猜两匹马中哪一匹是老马,哪一匹是小马。 One day, the king issued a notice, people guess which of the two horses is a mare, which one is the pony. 那个孝顺的儿子觉得父亲一定知道父亲如何辨认,...
  • 帮忙翻译 中翻英 急用 谢谢~~~
    答:this is a challenge and an opportunity. I am confident and determined to work together with colleagues in the company to complete the task entrusted by the leadership of the company. In order to make
  • 请大家帮忙,汉译英,先谢谢了~~
    答:I think that there are many social problems in Guangzhou. For example, population growth, social security, environmental problems, and so on. These problems caused by a lot of factors. Like population growth was mainly due to the large influx of floating population, the population ...
  • 中译英:帮忙翻译一段话,先谢谢了!
  • 请高手翻译信件,中译英,谢谢了。
    答:Dear Sir,I have clearly informed you that SDY would not bear the postage of samples which was one of the company's regulation.这次我们给你寄样品的邮寄费是$70,如果你愿意不承担,那我们就不能寄样品给你。It will cost us USD70 to send the samples to you this time, if you are...
  • 高手帮忙翻译下,中翻英,谢谢~
    答:从瞿秋白的“等同概念”,到美国著名的翻译理论家Eugene Nida的“功能对等(functional equivalence)”或“动态对等(dynamic equivalence)”,我们可以看出,这些主张是相互影响、互为补充、不断完善的,虽然侧重点有所不同,但中心和结晶都是译文要忠实准确地表达原文的意义,保持原作的风格,忠实反映原作...
  • ...汉译英,不要网页机器翻译的,先谢谢各位大神了。(翻译的好可以追加...
    答:received a good education, grew up in the period of dreams, conceit, environment. But when they came out of the campus, in order to "stir ourselves," the world the heroic spirit shoulder the important task of promoting American culture mature, but the pain of social ignorance, ...
  • 请大家帮我翻译一下!谢谢
    答:country carries on.我很自信也很善良,但是我的缺点就是有点内向。 I very self-confident very am also good, but my shortcoming is a little introverted.我姐姐大学毕业以后在一家房地产公司上班。 My elder sister university graduation later will go to work in a real estate company....