
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26

In my paper, is learning C + + object oriented program design the computer desktop software, aimed at people in the computer at the same time, to keep abreast of the time, do not miss your itinerary. This thesis enables me to review and deepen the understanding and mastery of the basic knowledge of C++ programming language. Master the basic skills of C++ language programming and program debugging, and use the network resources, to learn MFC and Qt and other related software for the layout of the page. The design of the clock software can only display and set the date and time properties of the current system.

The multi-media, coming in the form of pictures and words based on audios and videos combined together in showing motion and stillness, show their all time great performances and intensify the students' insight into abstract language knowledge and their ability to feel it, thus turning the classroom teaching and learning activity into a brand new and real language environment.

1 compliance female Zhongjie, illegal love home - self-discipline
2 mobile phone with audio, full respect
3 much wind - readme gossiping hurt themselves, which can play mobile phone theme - self-discipline
4 toilet rushed over, sound does not linger, garbage quasi, away from the toilet does not leave Xi - respect
5 morning not QRA bed, alarm clock no king - responsible for
6 fan go off, leaving the dark light, energy-saving and carbon reduction,
7 - responsible for regulating water flow - simple
8 Sheng good food, vegetables can't pick, everything I have, the pill is gone. - a
9.123 floor, no elevator, feet movement, fat fat the drain -
10 dining etiquette is simple, speed slow chewing, digestion stomach ANN, doctors do not have to look at the
11 alone reached the ground, as full of grievances - small solution Rouchang toilet
12 say early, hello I am fine, way Xie, every thing to trouble solution

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