
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10


  • "Most people spend up to 90 percent of their time indoors. Therefore indoor air quality is critical to their health condition."

  • 这两个句子都是简单句。第一个句子的主语是"Most people",谓语动词是"spend",宾语是"up to 90 percent of their time indoors",其中"up to 90 percent"是介词短语,修饰宾语。第二个句子的主语是"indoor air quality",谓语动词是"is",表语是"critical to their health condition"。这两个句子之间使用了一个因果关系的连接词"therefore",表明了前一句话对后一句话的影响。这个句子结构简单,但是通过因果关系的连接词"therefore",表达了一个重要的信息:室内空气质量对人们的健康非常关键。

  • "The national park has acquired an additional 7300 acres, mostly adjacent to the coast, where it has been restoring the native habitat of some wild birds."

  • 这个句子是一个复合句,包括了一个主句和一个定语从句。主句是"The national park has acquired an additional 7300 acres",主语是"The national park",谓语动词是"has acquired",宾语是"an additional 7300 acres"。定语从句是"mostly adjacent to the coast, where it has been restoring the native habitat of some wild birds",其中"where"引导的是一个地点状语从句,修饰先行词"acres"。定语从句中的主语是"it",指代的是"The national park",谓语动词是"has been restoring",宾语是"the native habitat of some wild birds",其中"the native habitat of some wild birds"是宾语的复合结构,表示它正在恢复一些野生鸟类的栖息地。整个句子结构复杂,但表达了一个简单的意思:国家公园收购了7300英亩的土地,并且在那里恢复了一些野生鸟类的栖息地,这些土地大部分是毗邻海岸的。

1.Most people spend up to go percent of their time indoors, therefore indoor air quality is critical to their health condition.


第一个从句是“Most people spend up to go percent of their time indoors”,其中“Most people”是主语,“spend”是谓语动词,“up to go percent of their time indoors”是时间状语从句。

第二个从句是“Therefore indoor air quality is critical to their health condition”,其中“Therefore”是连接词,引导结果状语从句,“indoor air quality”是主语,“is”是谓语动词,“critical to their health condition”是表语。

短语“is critical to”在这个句子中的合理性体现了“室内空气质量”对人们健康状况的重要性。"is critical to"可以翻译成“对...至关重要”。

2.The national park has acquired an additional 7300 acres, mostly adjacent to the coast, where it has been restoring the native habitat of some wild birds.

这句话包含一个主句和一个定语从句。主句是“The national park has acquired an additional 7300 acres”,其中“The national park”是主语,“has acquired”是谓语动词,“an additional 7300 acres”是宾语。定语从句是“mostly adjacent to the coast, where it has been restoring the native habitat of some wild birds”,其中“mostly adjacent to the coast”是定语,修饰“an additional 7300 acres”,“where”引导定语从句,修饰“mostly adjacent to the coast”,“it has been restoring the native habitat of some wild birds”是定语从句的谓语。

短语“adjacent to”在这个句子中的合理性体现了该国家公园新增的土地大部分都是紧邻海岸的。"adjacent to"可以翻译成“毗邻”。


  • 主语(Subject):Most people

  • 谓语(Predicate):spend

  • 宾语(Object):up to 90 percent of their time

  • 状语(Adverbial):indoors

  • 连接词(Conjunction):therefore

  • 主语(Subject):indoor air quality

  • 谓语(Predicate):is

  • 表语(Complement):critical

  • 状语(Adverbial):to their health condition

  • 该句子是一个复合句,由两个简单句通过连词 "therefore" 连接而成。第一个子句描述了人们在室内度过的时间占比,第二个子句说明了室内空气质量对健康的重要性。


  • 主语(Subject):The national park

  • 谓语(Predicate):has acquired

  • 宾语(Object):an additional 7300 acres

  • 描述宾语的非限制性定语从句:mostly adjacent to the coast, where it has been restoring the native habitat of some wild birds.

  • 状语(Adverbial):mostly adjacent to the coast

  • 连接词(Conjunction):where

  • 主语(Subject):it (指代 The national park)

  • 谓语(Predicate):has been restoring

  • 宾语(Object):the native habitat

  • 定语(Attributive):of some wild birds

  • 该句子是一个主从复合句。主句描述了国家公园新增了 7300 英亩的土地,非限制性定语从句说明了这些土地主要靠近海岸,并且国家公园一直在恢复某些野生鸟类的原生栖息地。

第一句中的 "is critical to" 和第二句中的 "adjacent to" 都是合理的用法。

  • "is critical to":在这个语境中,"critical" 作为形容词,表示 "至关重要的"。"to" 是一个介词,用于连接形容词 "critical" 和它所修饰的对象 "their health condition"。所以 "is critical to" 的意思是 "对...至关重要",在这个句子中表示室内空气质量对人们的健康状况至关重要。

  • "adjacent to":在这个语境中,"adjacent" 作为形容词,表示 "毗邻的" 或 "相邻的"。"to" 是一个介词,用于连接形容词 "adjacent" 和它所修饰的对象 "the coast"。所以 "adjacent to" 的意思是 "毗邻于...",在这个句子中表示国家公园新增的土地主要靠近海岸。

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