
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-29

Are there any requirements for GRE?我感觉因为是要求嘛不可能只有一个,所以、、、
I am a junior student in Jinan university,and major course is professional Chinese as a foreign language.
I hope I can widen my horizo,know more different cultures,improve my English levels and cultivate the ability of living independently


这句话讲的就是to-do动词不定式做后置定语时的两种情况。首先,定语都有其修饰的逻辑主语,当这个动词不定式做后置定语时,若其逻辑主语是整个句子的主语,则动词不定式用主动式,也就是直接to-do;如果动词不定式的逻辑主语不是整个句子的主语,该动词不定式要用被动式,也就是 to-be-done。

  1. 第一句的主语是A piece of work,谓语动词是describes,宾语是an extraordinary result ,跟在后面的that points to a way ……是定语从句,修饰先行词an extraordinary result 。

  2. 我认为a way 和the process might be ameliorated之间应该还要有一个that,从而构成一个同位语从句,这样一来句意上也说得通,但是同位语从句中的that一般是不省略的,所以这一点有待商榷。

  3. 整句翻译:本周,来自Minnesota Mayo 诊所的Darren Baker 在Nature上发表了一份报告。这份报告为我们描述了一个重大研究成果——****的过程是可以得到改善的。(不知道这句话的说明的主题是什么,所以用*号,你自己代进去看哈)

  4. 第二句前半句的主语是Particular versions(应该是versions 吧)of certain genes,谓语have been shown to ptolong life。

  5. but 后面应该是漏了一个there吧,要不然这句没主语啊~

  6. 整句翻译:现已表明,某些基因的特殊变体能够延缓衰老,但对于那些体内缺乏这种基因的人,目前还找不到解决办法。

1. 句子的主干是:A piece of work describes an result. 其它都是修饰成分。
主语:A piece of work;
宾语:an result;
reported in this week's Nature是过去分词作后置定语,修饰work,其中in this week's Nature又是reported的状语;
by Darren Baker 是介词短语作后置定语,也修饰work;
of the MayoClinic, in Minnesota:介词短语的所有格形式,作定语修饰Darren Baker;
that points to a way the process might be ameliorated整个是修饰result的定语从句;而其中that既是定语从句的引导词,又是主语,points to是谓语,a way 是宾语;the process might be ameliorated是修饰way的定语从句,前面引导词省略了in which,引导词在从句中是方式状语,which指代的就是a way,这个从句是从the process might be ameliorated in this way. 变过来的;

2. 这是一个转折句,用but连接
共用主语:Particular versious;(拼写错误,应为versions)
并列谓语:have been shown 和is;
of certain genes:所有格形式,versions的定语;
to prolong life这个比较复杂,严格来说,这是不定式作为宾语补足语,因为前半句是个被动句,如果是主动句的话,Particular versions就是宾语;
no help 是后半句的表语;
to those是状语;
who do not have then是修饰those的定语从句。

主语: A piece of work(中心词)+reported in this week's Nature(过去分词短语作定语修饰中心词)+by Darren Baker of the MayoClinic, in Minnesota(介词短语作定语,修饰中心词),
谓动: describes
宾语: an extraordinary result
定语从句修饰宾语: that points to a way
定语从句修饰a way: the process might be ameliorated.

原题的句子有多处错误,应更正为(括号中为更正部分):Particular (versions) of certain genes have been shown to (prolong) life,but (that) is no help to those who do not have (them).
主语:Particular versions of certain genes
复合谓语:have been shown to prolong life,
句子主干:that(主)+ is(系词)+ no help(表语)+ to those(状语)
定语从句修饰those: who do not have them.

(两个句子的句意,我通过私信发给你. 在这是提交了几次都没成功.)

第一句主干为:A piece of work describes an extraordinary result(一项研究表明了一种特殊的结果)。reported in this weeks Nature为后置定语,修饰work;by ...in Minnesota修饰work,是介绍作者;though是连词;that ...ameliorated为result 后的名词性从句;第二句have been是个现在完成时句子,后面这句貌似不对,没有主语呢。

主语:A piece of work
宾语:an extraordinary result
定语: reported in this week's Nature by Darren Baker of the MayoClinic, in Minnesota修饰主语
定语从句 that points to a way 修饰 result
定语从句 the process might be ameliorated.修饰a way
第二句话:主语:Particular versious of certain genes
谓语: have been shown
目的状语: to ptolong life
but is no help to those who do not have then.并列句,与Particular versious of certain genes have been shown to ptolong life,

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  • 求高手帮我分析下面这两个句子的结构!
    答:团队合作精神是每一个想要获得成功的人需要具备的最重要的品质。 it has been universally acknowledged that相当于we all know,qualification后面是定语从句,里面anyone后面也是who领导的定语从句。公众参与是节约经济被提倡及珍惜的社会的基础,在这里in which作为society的定语从句,修饰society ...
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    答:2.such that =such as to:如此...(以至于)把句子改动下:The scientific development is so logical that separate groups of men working on the same problem in far-scattered laboratories are likely to arrive at the same answer at the same time. 比较好理解,separate groups of men ...
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