
来源  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10

收货人 英文
答:consignee。n.收货人;受托人;代售人;承销人。双语例句:For Freight Collect shipments, the charge will be billed to the consignee.若采取收件人付费方式,则费用由收件人支付。Study on the Legal Status of Consignee in Carriage of Goods by Sea.海上运输货物收货人法律地位研究。Study on Legal Pro...

答:1、con- "with" + sign- + -ee.2、字面含义为:sealing with a sign, mark with a sign.双语例句 1. The consignee is decided according to the order of the shipper or the opening bank.收货人是由托运人或开证行的指令决定.2. For Freight Collect shipments , the charge will be bi...


答:4.Yes,on the shipper's side,when the cargos arrived, all relevant documents will be forwarded to the consignee.Among other things, this party has to check carefully con-tent of the packing list and weight list. When cargos is found to be damaged of shortlanded, this party has to call f...

答:如果是记名提单(有具体的收货人信息而不是TOTHEORDEROF或者TOTHEORDER形式)且收货人又有详细的地址的,则此栏可以不填。如果是空白指示提单或托运人指示提单(TOTHEORDEROF或者TOTHEORDER形式),则此栏必须填列通知人名称及详细地址,否则船方就无法与收货人联系。三、代表机构不同 consignee是真正买家...

...谢谢。The consignee is yet to collect the shi...

答:the mortgage is now at the end of the year, we need to settle all accounts, please communicate with the consignee, the consignor help to solve the problem, thank you!1.由于报关出错,如果退关,海关会罚款。如果是删单重报,就可以申请免除罚款,这个申请是由收货人提出的。2.现在已经完...

there is no such cargo for the consignee 是什么意思
答:there is no such cargo for the consignee 收货人没有这种货物。重点词汇 there is那儿有; 有着 no such没有这样的 cargo货物; 负荷,荷重 for the consignee交收货人

答:The arrival of the goods at the customs which SVO2 after a vote of goods without Customs goods clearance under the condition of normal and sent to the consignee.另外一票货物在海关查验时发现与实际货物不符.Another vote of goods in customs inspection found that the goods do not ...

答:当制作出口文件时,就需要进口商提供收货人完整的联系资料,如地址、传真和电话号码。when conducting the export documents, the importer is needed to have the complete contact details of the consignee, such as the consignee's address, fax number and telephone number....


符万18524538789: 求中译英:如果收货人不付钱,请不要交货,并请收货人直接联系发货人.直到两者协商一致后再交货. -
陆河县郁乔:: If the consignee doesn't pay, please don't release the cargo, but ask the consignee to contact the vendor directly. The cargo can only be released when the two parties reach concensus.

符万18524538789: The same as the consignee 此处same是代词等同于名词吧 as是介词 -
陆河县郁乔:: 这里same不是代词而是形容词,其后省略了相应的名词(person).as是介词没错

符万18524538789: 请翻译:这个收货人一直都在马来西亚 -
陆河县郁乔:: The consignee is always in Malaysia

符万18524538789: 外贸英语加急翻译 -
陆河县郁乔:: 1:take charge of the transport expense after me assign the account to submit the marine transportation principal edition electricity to put the bill of lading to the customer.3: asks the customer to embark the before Japan for two weeks in the marine ...