
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-05

WBQ(Web-based Query)为一网络新词。


31. didn't until
32. lead visit Saturday
33. took home
34. learn from
35. visited aunt
36. are horses under

We have same dream but we can actualize them in different ways.
I look forward to work after leave school so that I can make better lives for my parents.
It is very convenient take the subway to go around in Beijing
I would like to take the job your company give

1.same drams ? diffirent

1 similar dream achieve different
2 hope to find affter middle supply
3 It's very convenvient to
4 would like accept supplied

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    答:1,我们有相似的梦想,但是实现的方式可以不同.We have same dream but we can actualize them in different ways.2,我向往中学毕业后就可以工作,以便给父母提供更好的生活条件 I look forward to work after leave school so that I can make better lives for my parents.3,在北京乘地铁观光是...
  • 一、根据汉语意思完成句子。 二、单句改错。 三、同义句转换。_百度...
    答:1.spend a beautiful day 2.play a trick with 3.go for a long vacation 4.have fun 5.too much 6.treat well at us, play a joke o f7.a yellow cotton shirt and a pair of blue jeans 8.do want to do 9.How often does chat with 二】do→did draw→drawing ...
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    答:1.这艘宇宙飞船五天前返回了地球。The spacecraft ___returned___ the Earth five days ___ago___.2.上周三,“神舟5号”太空飞船围绕地球飞行了14圈,达到了343千米的高度。___Last Wednesday___ the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft ___flew___ the earth 14 times and ___reached___343 kilomet...
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  • 根据汉语提示完成句子。
    答:1、你的生日是什么时候?___When___ ___is___your birthday?2、我的生日是6月9日。My birthday ___is___ _June___ __9th___.3、她母亲的生日是12月1日。___Her___ ___mother's___ birthday is ___December___ ___1st___.4、我哥哥今年20岁,他的生日是2月20日。My b...
  • 根据汉语完成句子。
    答:1.这些灯使城市亮如白昼。These lights _make_ the city _as_ bright as day.2.我得到了一些关于昨天比赛的信息。I got some _news_ about _yesterday's_ match.3.对我们来说努力学习是很有必要的。It’s very _necessary_ for us to study _hard_.4.他经常在物理方面胜过他 的同学。He ...
  • 根据汉语完成句子.
    答:1.make; interested in 2.???3.supposed to do; the first time 4.???5.are supposed to wear 6. How was 7. was invited
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    答:41. He crossed the field and got there n time.42. I like to sit by the river on sunny afternoon.43. Do you know the man sitting on the corner?44. Some people on the bank shouted loudly to the man in the boat but he did not hear them.45. Peace is now in sight.4...
  • 根据汉语完成句子。
    答:in,parents, arrived, by busy everyday, good rest to visit grandma thursday give him a call a lot, enjoyed ourselves
  • 根据汉语意思完成句子。
    答:1、你最喜爱哪项运动?(Which )(sport )do you like ( best)?2、他叔叔打算明天前往广州。His uncle is gong to(leave )(for )Guangzhou tomorrow.根据文意天空:(1)A:do you like English?B:Yes,I do.It's my favourite subject.A:Is it difficult?B:No,iit isn't.I think it is ...