
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

That boy goes to the classroom【in】【a】【hurry】.
Cheng wei ,what are you【looking】【for】in the room?
【That‘s】【why】I go to school【by】【bus】.

not all

___When_______ ____is______your birthday?
My birthday ____is______ _June_________ __9th________.
_____Her_____ ____mother's______ birthday is ____December______ _____1st_____.
My borther is ____20______ _____years_____ ___old_______ this year.His birthday
is _____February_____ ___20th______ .
My ___father's_______ ___birthday_______ is December 3rd.


____When_____ _____is_____your birthday?
My birthday ____is______ ____June______ ____9th______.
____Her______ _____Mother's_____ birthday is ____December______ ____1st______.
My borther is _____20_____ _____years_____ _____old_____ this year.His birthday
is _____February_____ _________ .
My _____father's_____ _____birthday_____ is December 3rd.

1. When is
2. is June 9th
3. Her mother's December 1st.
4. twenty years old
February 20th
5. father's birthday.


1. When is
2.is June 9th
3.Her mother's birthday is December 1st
4.My brother is twenty years old this year. His birthday is February 20th.
5.My father's birthday

1.when is
2.is Jun. 9
3.My mother's Dec. 1
4.20 years old Feb. 20
5.dad's birthday

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