
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

WBQ(Web-based Query)为一网络新词。


停车费规划局一日一日一日与如人人缘好放烟花非会员反映以人废言一样fiume付邮费已恢复飞飞复合肥飞复合肥合肥丰富飞叵防打扰虽然身体是以后身体与 以若让他itil他题库图库估计哭给他加件衣服以柔软度亦如同乐同乐同乐兔兔腿踢utiririlrii日语飞飞看附件

The spacecraft ______returned___________ the Earth five days ___ago______.
_______Last Wednesday_____ the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft ___flew______ the earth 14 times and _____reached______343 kilometres.
He ____waved_______ everyone on Earth and __showed______ the Chinese national flag.


1.The spaceship returns to the earth 5 days ago

2.Last Wednesday, the "shenzhou 5" spacecraft flew around the earth 14 times, reached the height of 343 kilometers.

He waved the people on Eart, and showed the Chinese national flag.

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