
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03

After he completed a major experiment research work in his laboratory, He went to Beijing for an academic forum,10 days after.He visited some research institutes, and flying back yesterday.
Army's revolutionary, modernized and standardized continue enhance, national defense capabilities and military defense capabilities is improving.



Pencil and pen are on the table.


Pencil and earser are on the bookcase.

No matter how much money it will cost,we must try our utmost to extend this girl's life who was infected by the HIV.

Please turn off the TV.She is distracted by the noise and can't concentrate on her homework.

Because of lacking of fund and necessary equipments,this company finally brought the plan of improving goods'quality into practice after long time.

In class,Bob often prepares some pictures to explain what is described in the text.

The capable and successful businessmen are good at using all sorts of resources to making money.

No matter how much money has been spent ,we should try our best to prolong this AIDS-infected girl.

please turn off the TV,She will be distracted by the noise and can't make concertration to do her homework.

Because of out of fund and necessary equipment,this company
has carried out their product quality plan after a very long time.
In class,Bob always prepare some pictures to describe the text content.
aAcapable and successful businessman is good at making money through any resources.

1.No matter how much it will cost, we will try our best to prolong the girl's life who has contracted HIV.
2.Please turn off TV, because it will distract her attention so that she can't focus on her homework.
3.Because of the lack of fund and necessary equipment,It was very long before this company could carry through their plan to improve the product quality.
4.when teaching a class, Bob often prepares some pictures to illustrate the content in the text.
5.Capable businessmen are good at making money by using different resources.

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