
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-06-26

I leave from 12 November to 23 November for two weeks, so there are a few things would like to advance to you that :
(1) The issues of scheduled to air tickets will take over the management by Michelle of the Shanghai Office temporarily. Any problems about air tickets please communicated directly with her. Note : Be sure attach the Official Reply Mail of Richard or customers in mail.
(2) Any network failures contact directly with Shanghai IT , see Annex -- IT Support.
(3) People who not pass up reimbursement docs please pass up to me before going off , people who cannot pass up on time please sent to Shanghai yourself , Michelle will receive it.

Courier phone:

The two cameras that belong to the office were placed inside the cabinet beneath the microwave. Please feel free to take them to use and return afterward.

1.The audience congratulated Li Yundi for his take on Chopin's 2. 听众对李云迪就肖邦作品的演绎抱以热烈的欢呼声(with loud cheers)
2.No one shall be spared from the violation fo laws.无论谁犯法都会受罚(spare from)
3.To meet the demand of company, the emploees must speak English.为符合公司的要求雇员们必须讲英语(meet sb"s demand)
4.He stepped in for the sick actor at very short noitce calling. 他被临时叫来代替哪个生病的演员(at very shurt notice callin)
5.We should make use of the summer vocation to review what we've learned. 我们应该好好利用暑假来把我们学过的东西复习一下(make use of)

The audience congratulated Li Yundi for his take on Chopin's masterpiece with loud cheers.
No one shall be spared from the violation fo laws.
To meet the demand of company, the emploees must speak English.
He stepped in for the sick actor at very short noitce calling.
We should make use of the summer vocation to review what we've learned.

  • 谁能帮我中翻英翻译下几句句子,谢谢了
    答:1.The audience congratulated Li Yundi for his take on Chopin's 2. 听众对李云迪就肖邦作品的演绎抱以热烈的欢呼声(with loud cheers)2.No one shall be spared from the violation fo laws.无论谁犯法都会受罚(spare from)3.To meet the demand of company, the emploees must speak English...
  • 跪求英语高手进来帮我翻译几个中翻英句子!
    答:1. 希望我们学校的所有学生都能考上大学(be expected to).All students from our school are expected to be accepted by universities.2.如果你能充分利用时间,你的学习很快会好起来(make use to).If you can make use to your time effectively, your study will soon be good.3.正当我十分焦急...
  • 几句中翻英~~~帮下!!翻译机就算啦~
    答:The heavy rain prevented us from continuing the game.2 这季节公园里有各种各样的鲜花(all kinds of flowers;this season)There are all kinds of flowers in the park in this season.3 Tom在昨天的面试中失败了(fail in the interview)Tom was failed in the yesterday's interview.4 取笑盲...
  • 谢谢帮我翻译几句句子‘中译英
    答:3. The first lady gave out flowers and rewards to the heros.4. Who will supply green plants to the market if the planting park is closed.5. Some flowers will release some harmful chemical substances.6. There is something wrong with her car, it cannot be reduced.7. Nothing h...
  • 谁能帮我翻译一下这几句句子啊(中译英)?谢谢啦!
    答:(contribute…to…)Tom contribute US$5 to the charity every payday.12. 我要是你就不去介入他们的问题。(get/be involved in…)I advice you not to get involved in their problems.13. 言语使人区别于动物。(distinguish…from)Language distinguish human from anumals....
  • 请高手帮我翻译下面几句话```高分酬谢了```中翻英的```
    答:1、以博大的胸怀纳百川而不嫌弃细流,容污浊且能净化为碧水 wide hearted(broad minded) to contents every streams even creeks, purifys dirts and leaves cleanness.2、年复一年默默地做着无尽的贡献,袒露无私的胸怀,‘生而不有,为而不恃’,不求索取,其自身也得到了永恒的存在 year after ...
  • 帮我翻译几句话(中翻英)
    答:1 good faith should list as the head in all moral excellence.2 because he is dishonest, I have lost and him make friend's desire.3 although our living conditions also not entirely as desired.4 sometimes our English study as if always bogs down, but in fact certainly not ...
  • 帮我翻译下句子 英翻中 中翻英 谢谢各位了。不太会的不要乱答哦~_百度...
    答:9. in order not to hurt anyone's feelings,it took 3 months for them to reach a final decision.10 to catch up the leading scince and technology in the world , the college students shall try to learn at least one foreign language.11. 如果能调低些收音机音量,我会很感激的。
  • 帮我翻译几句话行挖?```谢谢了```中翻英额```
    答:1.Nancy说她后悔做了那件事.(regret)Nancy says she regrets having done that thing.2.许多年轻人喜欢看体育比赛.(enjoy)Lots of young people enjoy watching sport games.3.你不能不在花园里走吗?(avoid)Can't you avoid walking in the garden?
  • 谁能帮我翻译几个汉译英句子?
    答:to see my grandma.3:等你从哈尔滨回来我要举行一个生日Party,你想来参加吗?I'm gonna hold a party when you come back from Haerbin,would you like to join in?4:谢谢你的邀请,我一定去,到时候我们电话联系吧.thanks for your invitation. I will come. let's contact in phone then....