
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-08


  Last year,when I have the public elective course,our teacher introduces a film to us which is his favorite one--GuaSha.At that time,I was just angry at foreigner’s ignorance and deeply moved for Datong’s love for his son.At this time,I watch this film again from different point of view--the intercultural communication.

  Cultural differences are the most important point in the intercultural communication.At the beginning of this film,Datong with his family is attending his own victory banquet,his son Dennis hits his friend Paul,Paul’s parents think that’s ok,it’s just a fight between two kids.However,Datong and his wife Jenny have different reactions towards that situation.Jenny is a woman who is deeply affected by western thoughts,she doesn’t blame his son.At first,Datong asks his son to apologize to his friend Paul,but Dennis refuses to do that.So Datong is very angry because he thinks that he makes his friend loses his face.Hence,Datong strikes Dennis in his face.Everyone including his wife are shocked.The western parents regard it as family violence,while Datong as a traditional Chinese parent thinks that beating is a sign of affection and cursing is a sign of love.What he has done is to teach his son to show respect to other people.From there,we can see the cultural differences between western parents and Chinese parents in treating their children.

  From my perspective,I think Datong is a contradiction.He grows up

  in China,but immigrates to western country later.So Datong is familiar with Chinese culture,meanwhile he is affected by western culture.He usually treats his son by traditional Chinese ways,but sometime he treats his son like a foreigner parent.For example,he can share secrets with his son and respect his opinions.So,that is why I say Datong is a contradiction.

  The highlight of this film is about the debate on the hearing and

  that is the most obvious part of cultural differences in the intercultural communication.The defense lawyer of Child Welfare Agency has the evidence to charge him of abusing his son,they find a nurse who is responsible for Jenny’s parturition.She says that Datong choose to save his wife not the child when Jenny is in danger during parturition,and he even doesn’t give the child chance to live.however,Datong holds different opinion about that.He argues that if his wife live,they can always have more kids,just as a Chinese famous saying goes where there's life there's hope.So we can know the different concept between Chinese people and foreigners.In this film,there are two big misunderstandings about Chinese culture.One is about Journey to the West and another one is about Guasha.The defense lawyer says that Sun Wukong is representative of violence,while the truth is Sun Wukong is a good and honest hero and represents our traditional values and ethics.Another misunderstanding is

  about Guasha.Guasha is a traditional Chinese medicine cure without medical evidence.However s it has become the direct evidence of abusing child.The conflicts in this film is the conflicts between two totally different cultures.And it deserves us to ponder over.

  From this film,we should know that if we want to get knowledge of intercultural communication,the first step is to understand cultural differences.


  Actually, in the beginning ,I do not reckon GuaSha worth a written comment just according to the literal meaning I’ve got. But my views on this movie have been dramatically changed after I finishing it. In this passage, I will organize my comments in three parts:

  1. the summary of this movie.

  2. the differences between Chinese and English culture reflected in this movie.

  3. Conclusion.

  Section1: GuaSha shapes a vivid image of a man whose name is DaTongxu. He is a man with a beautiful and virtuous wife .What’s more ,he has a happy family. However, everything has changed since an unexpected lawsuit came to him which is triggered by the Chinese traditional medical treatment---GuaSha, which leads to the separation between DaTong and his wife as well as his family. The plot then is expanded from this word…

  Section2: There are so many differences in two cultures reflected in this movie. Firstly, the way people think or treat about some rituals. For example ,during the party, DaTong insists that he hits his son out of the respect for John, while John considers it a rude behaviour towards Danis.And to some extent, DaTong breaches the law. Secondly, from the way they have dinner ,we can see their living styles are different from

  ours. They use forks and knives ,but we use chopsticks. Then, in western countries, everything is judged according to proof. When they handle something, they prefer to appeal to the law while Chinese are inclined to tackle these difficulties with their own efforts. Next, for love , DaTong is advised to tell the truth that it is his father who does GuaSha treatment to Danis. But DaTong just keeps silent. Chinese emphasize filial affection towards the senior. In contrast ,westerners just want to seek the truth. At last, the cognition of genuine medical treatment is of difference. Traditional Chinese medical treatment is assumed to be fake treatment in western countries.

  (Here are some extracts from the movie:

  1. It’s not a right thing to hit a child. Sometimes it may break the law.

  2. To hit somebody means to love somebody.

  3. In China ,we use chopsticks, but here you use forks.

  4. It is illegal for parents to leave their children at home alone.

  5. GuaSha is a traditional Chinese medical treatment.

  6. There isn’t any written proof can prove GuaSha is a real treatment.

  7. Husband doesn’t care about his son if he is absent when his son is born.

  8. To keep the mother alive is more important than the son’s life.

  9. Hit his own son to show the respect for his boss.

  10. It’s necessary to tell the truth.

  11. Because he is a Chinese, he should be filial.

  12. Better early than late if you will take the plane. )


  In this movie ,what strikes me most is the love that DaTong has towards his son and his father. Absolutely, DaTong is a tough and filial man. In order to get his son back, he ignores any punishments from the law… Apparently, if there is any difference still existing among different cultures, the possibility of melting people’s attitudes together is somewhat of difficulty. Maybe, colliding with other cultures is just the appropriate way for cultures to assimilate into each other.

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