
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-10
有没有学霸帮我翻译下这篇文章 急!必有重谢!!


Thank you for your support and collaboration of the company has been, we will do our utmost to solve the problem of the existence of the company, brought to you by the inconvenience please understand! You mentioned in the message content as some of the reasons in the further implementation of our company, reply please refer to annex 8D in the report, progress will communicate with you at any time, the factory from the problems we also make a checklist of, follow-up will be given access to factories and your company. You raised the issue of spare parts Division will also focus on, but the Board due to a cycle of problem does not meet, at present our PCBA cycle in about 30 days, please understanding.


Along with the ongoing development of the society and sustaining ecnomic growth in our country, the living standards of rural residents have been apparantly improved. The levels of modernization have increased. A number of sophisticated household electronic products have appeared in the majority of the people's houses.


The rural market is a an emerging market with massive potentials. Certainly, the sales and consumption characteristics are natually differing from the "consistent style" of the household electronic products in cities.

With the continuing development and sustained economic growth, the living standards of rural people has been a more marked improvement in the degree of its modernization are increasingly high, many advanced home appliances, more and more products enter the majority of the people of the home. The rural market is a new and huge potential market. its sales and consumption characteristics of the natural characteristics of different home appliances in the city's "usual style."

Along with China's steady social progress and sustained economic development, the living standards of rural residents have improved significantly, their level of modernization has become increasingly higher, and more and more advanced household appliances have entered the home of the vast number of ordinary people. The rural market is an emerging market with great potential, and its characteristics of sales and consumption are, as a matter of fact, different from those of the urban market of household appliances.

Along with our country society of develop continuously with economy of keep on increasing, the village residents' living level has already more and obviously gotted to improve, the degree of its modernization is also more and more high, a lot of forerunners of of the appliance product got into the in home of large common people more and more.The village market is one is new and the potential huge market, its sale characteristics and consumption characteristics the nature is different from in the appliance product in "consistent style" in the city.


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