
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28

i don't need to be with him for a lifetime,
i don't need his promise to love me forever,
i don't even need him to love me.
i just want a memory, a memory of only him and me.

In the beer brewing process by changing the ratio of raw materials or adding an appropriate amount of zinc chloride, zinc sulfate, effectively control the ion content of zinc in wort can achieve the best results and you are brewing high quality beer.

What kind of traffic tool did you use to Shenzhen? and how long did it take?

When is you first time to come to China?

Are you going to work in China next year?

Have you ever been to any other cities in China?

How long have you been single?

I know little about your country now, but I do have great interest.

I'm pretty happy to hear you to say we can be friends forever,
and I wish we could keep in touch ever after.

Through what way you come to shenzhen? how long did it take?
When was your first trip to China?
Will you come to China to work next year?
Have you been to other cities in China?
How long have you been single?
I know a little about your country, but I am very interested in it.
I'm glad you said we can be friends forever, I hope we can keep in touch


what transportation did you take to shanghai? how long did it take?
when was your first time to china?
will you work in china next year?
have you been to other cities in china?
how long are you being single?
i do not know much about your country but im very interesting about it.
im glad to heard that we can be friends forever. i hope we can always keep on touch.

How did you come to Shenzhen? How long did it take?
When was the first time you come to China?
Will you work in China next year?
Have you been to other cities in China?
How long have you been single?
I don't know much about your country, but I'm interested in it.
I'm glad that you say we can be friends forever, I hope we can keep in touch.

What do you do for the car to shenzhen?How long do?
When is your first trip to China?
Next year will you come to China to work?
You have been to other cities in China?
How long have you been single?
Little I know about your country, but I am very interested in.
I'm glad you said we can be friends forever, I hope we can keep in touch.

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