
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-28
mould powder 哪位高人帮忙给看看这翻译过来是什么产品,必有重谢!


商业界 business field/business circles
学术界academic world;academic circles

政界 political circles;political field

On the Spring Festival, may you and your family good health and happiness, and also wish you all the best!


Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and joyful New Year!May everything beautiful and best be with you and your family!

May the New Year bring you and your family health, happiness and all other good things

On the Spring Festival, may you and your family good health and happiness, and also wish you all the best!

Best wishes to you and your family, and have a very merry spring festval.

绝对高级句子 我在国外留学

The early spring festival, wishes you and your family member health on this occasion, the entire family is happy, good luck in everything

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    答:[手工翻译]您好!首先,非常感谢您百忙之中抽出宝贵时间与我进行交流。就在与您交流的过程中,您就为我打开了一扇成功与希望之门,希望我是能够助您在激烈的市场竞争与知识经济的大潮中所需的综合型跨世纪人才。Dear Sire,First of all, I feel great appreciate that you can spare your time to ...
  • 请帮我翻译一句话吧~~~(汉译英)
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  • 请帮我翻译一句话吧(汉译英的)
    答:Investment in real estate means investors will put their money into real estate development and management ,It is a economic behavior to obtain a profit.
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    答:汉译英 1.由此我们可以断定他写论文前咨询了一些专家 。Based on this /Thus we believed that he consulted some experts before he wrote the thesis.2.在作决定前她一天又一天地估量着决定的利弊。She accessed the pros and cons of it one day and another before she made the decision....
  • 请帮我翻译一句话吧~~~(汉译英)
    答:Compared with other projects, this project is much more complex, more significant investment risk.
  • 哪位高手能帮我翻译一句话
    答:话说你的问题呢,就这句么?中文:哪位高手能帮我翻译一句话 英语:Which expert can help me translate a sentence?
  • 有哪位能帮我翻译下(中翻英)
    答:In modern society, the finance is the core of economy, and finance auditing has ensured the finance industry to develop heathly. With the reform and opening-up,, as the economy develops in pace with the world, various new problems came out. How to make sure the validity of ...
  • 汉译英在线翻译句子 急急急~~哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下啊~~ 谢谢了...
    答:随着科技的发展,大多数人都过上了小康生活,除了能保证吃喝,私家车也渐渐多了起来。人们的生活越来越富裕了。With the development of technology, most people have lived a comfortable life, not only ensure that eating and drinking, also more and more private cars, . People's life style ...
  • 求翻译,哪位朋友帮帮忙翻译一下!!在线等。。。汉译英,我自己翻译的太差...
    答:亲,翻译如下。这场名为“启航、共赢、未来”的签约仪式,标志着A正式进入西南区商旅市场,并通过携手B,共同推进西南区的旅游经济发展。成都市旅游局领导、A与B高层领导、众多航空公司、企业客户与媒体代表出席了本次签约仪式。This signing ceremony, called “Sailing, Win-win, Future” marked that ...