
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

??? 那篇?在哪里?

I remember a holiday at noon, the sun baked the earth father moxibustion. Look! Cicadas, and other small animals are feebly cried: \u0026quot;dead heat, heat death,; those flowers have also sighed, and seems to have withered, the grass brother bent almost to the sun scorched , sadly exclaimed: \u0026quot;Good thirsty, very thirsty!\u0026quot; The air was filled with heat, so it almost out of breath. My sister in the room while they ate ice cream while fans boring violently, suddenly I thought about playing the game posted nose. So we drew in the black board of a little girl\u0026#39;s head, with hair, a mouth, has eyes on
记得一个假日的中午,太阳公公灸烤着大地。瞧!知了和其他小动物们都有气无力地哭喊着:“热死了,热死了”那些花儿们也唉声叹气的,似乎都要枯萎了,小草弟弟弯着腰几乎被烈日给烤焦了,垂头丧气地叫道:“好渴,好渴”!空气中弥漫着热浪,使人们都快喘不过气来。 我和姐姐她们在屋子里一边吃着雪糕一边扇着电扇无聊透顶,突然我一下想到玩贴鼻子游戏。于是我们在小黑板上画了一个小女孩的头像,有头发,有嘴巴,也有眼睛,就是没有鼻子。因为这个鼻子是让我们贴的。 游戏开始了,我们先石头剪刀布,结果我第一个走到黑板前。姐姐她们用衣服蒙上我的眼睛,我把鼻子贴上去,拿掉衣服一看,大吃一惊,我把鼻子贴到头像外面去了,她们都哈哈大笑。然后她们都一次上来玩游戏。先蒙上眼睛,转了三圈。一些把鼻子贴到嘴上面了,另一些把鼻子贴到嘴下面了.我们开怀大笑。最后还有一个蒙上了眼睛,她还没到台上就摔了一跤,她爬起来走到黑板前,左摸摸,右摸摸,上摸摸,下摸摸,摸到最后一贴,贴中了, 屋子里的这一场游戏就在欢声笑语中结束了。


说起假日,同学们一定都很喜爱,假日里的趣事也是无穷无尽的,令人向往,令人回味。“五一”这几天,我就经历了许多趣事,但令我印象最深的,还是跟爸爸去钓鱼。 我们来到池塘边,爸爸首先打开他的渔具包,里面的钓鱼用具一应俱全。他将鱼钩、鱼漂、鱼线和鱼饵拴在鱼竿上,我呢,也拿起这些用具学着爸爸做起来。 开始钓鱼了,爸爸对我说:“钓鱼要有耐心,否则是掉不到鱼的。首先要上好鱼饵,然后扔向水中,如果鱼漂在动,就表示鱼来了,但是这时不能提鱼竿,因为鱼还没有吃,只是试探一下。如果鱼漂沉下去或者浮起来,表示鱼已经吃钩了,这时就可以提竿了。”我不耐烦地回答说:“知道了!”心想:我一定钓一条大鱼让你看看!我们便开始钓鱼了,起先我还能耐着性子钓,可越等越不耐烦,一条鱼都没靠近鱼竿,更别说上钩了,我便一气之下扔下鱼竿跑到别处玩去了。 等我大汉淋漓地回来,爸爸都已经钓到两三条鱼了,可是看看我,只有光秃秃的鱼钩,连鱼饵都被鱼吃掉了。没办法,我只好再拿起鱼竿钓起来,可是鱼总不上钩,像是在和我作对似的。我见自己钓不上来,便赌气地拿起石头往水里扔,鱼都被我吓跑了,爸爸也钓不上来,我哈哈大笑。这下,可气坏了爸爸,他让我只能坐在那儿不能动,大家都知道我是个好动的人,让我坐一个上午哪行呢,可爸爸的“任务”我不敢违抗,只有坐了,这滋味就简直到了生不如死的境界。正当我无聊的时候,我的鱼漂动起来了,我急忙拉竿,可怎么也拉不动,于是,我便叫爸爸来帮忙。经过一场“拔河比赛”之后,终于把它拉上来了。一看,哇!好大的鱼啊!这恐怕是池塘里最大的一条鱼了,我们把它放进早已装满水的塑料桶里。它还在里面不停地泼水呢。爸爸见了,用赞许的目光看着我,好像在说:“嗯,不错,继续努力吧!” 万事开头难,有了第一次的成功,我更是信心十足。水面常常泛起涟漪,一条,两条……我的心里甭提有多高兴了。 怎么样?你是不是也想试试?哎,不要犹豫了,赶快去吧,保你钓了还想钓!啊!钓鱼真有趣啊!


a long time ago, in a very mysterious palace is home to five wizard, they are: sad, smile, death, frustration and money.
One day, sad birthday, we have to give her to celebrate, and everyone brings a gift, the only way to bring a smile can not see a gift to the gifts of the link, the death of grief, said: "My dear sister, in order to express my the blessings of your love, I would like to send you a most precious gift - give you unlimited lives. "Then, smiling shook his head, but did not say anything. 金钱听了马上说:“生命算什么,就算有生命,没有钱怎么会活得逍遥自在呢?所以我送你数之不尽的金钱。”微笑又摇了摇头,没有说些什么。 Money listened to at once, said: "What kind of life, even if there is life, no money how can it live unaffected? So I will give you countless money." Smile, then shook his head, did not say what. 挫折张开了嘴说:“亲爱的姐姐,看到你以往的悲伤我实在有很多的不忍心,今天我就送你没有挫折的人生。” Setbacks, open the mouth, said: "My dear sister, see you in the past the sorrow I have a number of non-heart, and today I Jiusong you do not have setbacks in life."

微笑终于开了口,她首先是对悲伤微微地笑了一下,然后说:“我没有特别可见的财富给你,但是我有无形的法宝给你。首先你要回答我一个问题,就是你怎样看待姐妹们送给你的礼物呢?”悲伤想了想说:“虽然她们给我的都是人们最想要的、最有价值的礼物。但是,我还是开心不起来,这是为什么,是我太贪心了吗?”微笑又微微笑了一下说:“你怎样看待我呢?”悲伤说:“我可羡慕你了呢,你每天都是一张崭新的笑脸,无论遇到任何事情都不会改变,让我有一种亲切的感觉。”微笑再次微微的笑了一下说:“既然这样,我把它送给你”,说着就将一张照片递给悲伤,悲伤接过照片一看原来是微笑的自画像,脸上即刻表现出一种不解的神情。 Smile finally spoke up, she first of these is slightly sad smile a moment and then said: "I do not particularly visible wealth to you, but I have an invisible magic for you. First of all you have to answer my question, that is, how do you see sisters gift to you then? "sad thought for a while, said:" Although they are the people I most want, the most valuable gift. However, I still not amused, which is why it is I am greedy it? "smile again smiled slightly, said:" How do you see me? "sad said:" I envy you, it could be you a new smiling face every day, regardless of anything encountered will not change, so I have a warm feeling. "slight smile, smiled again, said:" This being so, I give it to you, "spoke a photo will be handed grief, sadness took photos a look at the original self-portrait is the smiling face instantly shown a puzzled look. 微笑笑了笑解释道:悲伤,我之所以送你我的自画像,那是因为我认为世界上一切的物质,不管是有形的,还是无形的都比不上它珍贵。 Smile smiled and explained: sadness, the reason I send you my self-portrait, it is because I believe that all of the world's material, whether tangible or intangible, are not as valuable. 死亡送你无限的生命,但如果你不是快乐的,那么无限的生命对于你来说是一种折磨。 Death will give you unlimited lives, but if you are not happy, then the infinite life is a kind of torture for you. 金钱松逆向之不尽的钱财,如果你空虚到需要钱来填补的话,那是在亵渎生命。 Money Song reverse of the endless money, if you need money to fill the emptiness, then it is a desecration of life. 挫折送你没有坎坷的人生,如果你的人生从始至终都是一张白纸,没有色彩的映衬那你不是很可悲吗? Setbacks, ups and downs in life you do not get, if you are a white paper from beginning to end of life, there is no color against the background that you do not just pathetic? 所以我送你微笑,有了它,对你来说,生命是延续彩色的笔挫折便是三能命中一笔不可多得财富。 So I will give you a smile, with it, for you, life is a continuation of frustration is the color of the pen can hit a rare three wealth.

在那一刻,微笑创造了奇迹,悲伤笑了,笑得和微笑一样甜蜜。 At that moment, a smile a miracle, sad smile, laugh and smile as sweet.

One day, sad birthday, we have to give her to celebrate, and everyone brings a gift, the only way to bring a smile can not see a gift to the gifts of the link, the death of grief, said: "My dear sister, in order to express my the blessings of your love, I would like to send you a most precious gift - give you unlimited lives. "Then, smiling shook his head, but did not say anything. Money listened to at once, said: "What kind of life, even if there is life, no money how can it live unaffected? So I will give you countless money." Smile, then shook his head, did not say what. Setbacks, open the mouth, said: "My dear sister, see you in the past the sorrow I have a number of non-heart, and today I Jiusong you do not have setbacks in life."

Smile finally spoke up, she first of these is slightly sad smile a moment and then said: "I do not particularly visible wealth to you, but I have an invisible magic for you. First of all you have to answer my question, that is, how do you see sisters gift to you then? "sad thought for a while, said:" Although they are the people I most want, the most valuable gift. However, I still not amused, which is why it is I am greedy it? "smile again smiled slightly, said:" How do you see me? "sad said:" I envy you, it could be you a new smiling face every day, regardless of anything encountered will not change, so I have a warm feeling. "slight smile, smiled again, said:" This being so, I give it to you, "spoke a photo will be handed grief, sadness took photos a look at the original self-portrait is the smiling face instantly shown a puzzled look. Smile smiled and explained: sadness, the reason I send you my self-portrait, it is because I believe that all of the world's material, whether tangible or intangible, are not as valuable. Death will give you unlimited lives, but if you are not happy, then the infinite life is a kind of torture for you. Money Song reverse of the endless money, if you need money to fill the emptiness, then it is a desecration of life. Setbacks, ups and downs in life you do not get, if you are a white paper from beginning to end of life, there is no color against the background that you do not just pathetic? So I will give you a smile, with it, for you, life is a continuation of frustration is the color of the pen can hit a rare three wealth.

At that moment, a smile a miracle, sad smile, laugh and smile as sweet.

For a long time ago, in a very mysterious palace is home to five wizard, they are: sad, smile, death, frustration and money.
One day, sad birthday, we have to give her to celebrate, and everyone brings a gift, the only way to bring a smile can not see a gift to the gifts of the link, the death of grief, said: "My dear sister, in order to express my the blessings of your love, I would like to send you a most precious gift - give you unlimited lives. "Then, smiling shook his head, but did not say anything. Money listened to at once, said: "What kind of life, even if there is life, no money how can it live unaffected? So I will give you countless money." Smile, then shook his head, did not say what. Setbacks, open the mouth, said: "My dear sister, see you in the past the sorrow I have a number of non-heart, and today I Jiusong you do not have setbacks in life."

Smile finally spoke up, she first of these is slightly sad smile a moment and then said: "I do not particularly visible wealth to you, but I have an invisible magic for you. First of all you have to answer my question, that is, how do you see sisters gift to you then? "sad thought for a while, said:" Although they are the people I most want, the most valuable gift. However, I still not amused, which is why it is I am greedy it? "smile again smiled slightly, said:" How do you see me? "sad said:" I envy you, it could be you a new smiling face every day, regardless of anything encountered will not change, so I have a warm feeling. "slight smile, smiled again, said:" This being so, I give it to you, "spoke a photo will be handed grief, sadness took photos a look at the original self-portrait is the smiling face instantly shown a puzzled look. Smile smiled and explained: sadness, the reason I send you my self-portrait, it is because I believe that all of the world's material, whether tangible or intangible, are not as valuable. Death will give you unlimited lives, but if you are not happy, then the infinite life is a kind of torture for you. Money Song reverse of the endless money, if you need money to fill the emptiness, then it is a desecration of life. Setbacks, ups and downs in life you do not get, if you are a white paper from beginning to end of life, there is no color against the background that you do not just pathetic? So I will give you a smile, with it, for you, life is a continuation of frustration is the color of the pen can hit a rare three wealth.

At that moment, a smile a miracle, sad smile, laugh and smile as sweet.

One day, celebrates a birthday sadly, everybody gives her to celebrate in abundance, each people have brought the gift, only has cannot see the gift which the smile brings, to has delivered the gift the link, died to said sadly: “dear elder sister, to express me to your sentiment of blessing, I must give you a most precious gift - - to entrust with you the infinite life.”By now, the smile shook the head, but actually has not said anything. The money listened to say immediately: “what does the life calculate, even if has the life, won't have the money how to live free and unrestrained? Therefore I deliver you to count the endless money.”The smile shook the head, has not said anything. The setback opened the mouth saying:“the dear elder sister, saw you former are sad I to have many are really not cruel enough, today I deliver you not to have setback's life.”

The smile opened the mouth finally, she first was to sad has smiled slightly, then said: “I do not have the specially obvious wealth to give you, but I have the invisible magic weapon to give you. First you must reply that I a question, how is you regards the sisters to give your gift?”Thinks to say sadly: “although they give me are the people most want, the most valueable gift. But, I happy do not get up, why is this, has been I is too greedy?”The smile micro smiled saying:“how do you regard me?”Said sadly: “I might envy you, you were a brand-new smiling face every day, regardless of will come across anything not to change, let me have one kind of kind feeling.”The smile slightly smiled to say once more: “since like this, I give it you”, was saying gives a picture sadly, as soon as received the picture to look that sadly originally is the smile self-portrait, on the face instantly displays one kind of relentless facial expression. The smile smiled explains: Sad, the reason that I deliver you my self-portrait, that is because I think in the world all materials, no matter is visible, invisible does not compare it to be precious. The death delivers you the infinite life, but if you are not joyful, then the infinite life is one kind suffers regarding you. Golden larch reversion endless wealth, if you to need the money fills void, that is blaspheming the life. The setback delivers you not to have the rough life, if your life is a white paper from beginning to end, does not have color complementing that you are not very pitiful? Therefore I deliver you to smile, had it, to you, the life is the extension colored pen setback is three can hit rare wealth.

In that moment, the smile has created the miracle, has smiled sadly, smiles and the smile equally is happy.

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