
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06

If they fell from the sky didn't we went on to be very painful

1.As a matter of fact,he was spotted by security guards by accident when he entered the office.
2.The ground shaking,people are screamed :"It's an earthquake!"
3.Jack bowed to the lady,sending her a box containing a fine ring.(这句你的原文不清楚)
4.Many of my friends came to this big city to chase success and happiness these years.As for me,I just want to take a chance to run a company in my hometown.
5.He spent much time and money travelling all over the world because he was crazy about adventure.
6.Gazing at the pineapple dessert,the little girl was looking forward to devouring it.

1, what is the matter has aroused the concern?
2, the bill seeks to prohibit the hunting of endangered species, any animal on the list.
3, workers will be laid off due to plant closing; and reduction in household income will be reduced due to buy their needed commodities.
4, often for investors, rather than the author himself able to obtain the maximum profit.
5, many factors will affect the price, including the number of suppliers, the number of clients and the existing number of commodities.
6, and commentators - those who write comments - often a drama or film has a crucial impact.
7, some customer-oriented, rather than the product itself, where is to buy the product.
8, everyone's ideas are subject to the enormous impact of his time.

1 What makes people worried?
2 This law is to phobit killing any animal listed on the catalogue endangered species.
3 Workers will be unemployeed because factories close; decrease of family income will make them buy less groceries.
4 It is the inventors not the writers who can get more profits.
5 Many factors will infuence price,including supplier quantity, customer quantity and the stock quntity.
6 Commentators who write the comments have great inflence on an opera or a film.
7 Some customers care about the product not where to buy it.
8 Everyone's mind is greatly inflenced by his time.

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