
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

Lieselotte 列斯洛特
Reinsworth 兰兹华斯
Belemyaaz 贝伦亚斯

伊莫·沃森 Elmo Watson
贝伦亚斯 Belemyaaz
塞莉西亚 Cerisia
莉可 Rico



Excuse me
Can you set your status as "on line"?
There might be something wrong with my MSN. Sometimes, when you sent me messages from "off line" status, I could receive those messages at all.

Excuse me.
Can you get online?
My MSN is not fuctioning well, so you alway appear as offline, sometimes I couldn't recieve your message.

can you log on?
i got some problem with my msn that you appeared offline. sometimes i couldn't see your text

You can online?
Because my MSN
So you show for off-line, I sometimes see you send messages

can you log on
because my msn is not working
sometimes, i cannot see your message when your status is off line

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    答:There might be something wrong with my MSN. Sometimes, when you sent me messages from "off line" status, I could receive those messages at all.
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    答:the party commission! This means you will touch more people to improve your english standard. Come on!the wonderful commission welcome wonderful you! this is also a good chance to show your spoken english.绝对手工翻译! 不求加分 只求采纳,楼上典型在线翻译啊可是,,,thx ...
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  • 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢THX
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