
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-01

2hello,peter,how are you?
1fine,it is a good weather,isn't it?
2of course,but it is a pity that this kind of weather can hardly be seen in chengdu these days.
1why ?
2because the environment pollution is too fierce now,especially air pollution.
1yes,i think if we could save the energy and reduce wasting resources,maybe the environmrnt would get better.
2no,i do not think so.because it still has lots of pollution to the environment as you said.
1perhaps,then what do you think we should do?
2i think we can change our life styles and use clean energy instead.i believe only if we have tried hard and rely only on the clean energy ,we can solve the pollution problem once and for all.
1good idea.so you like environment protecting books?
2yes,i want to make contribution to protect environment.
1oh,good luck to you
2thank you

Hello, Tom hello, I'm Peter.

How are you Peter, what's the matter?

Yes, I'd like to invite you to dinner, I don't know if you have the time.

Oh, that's too good.

In what place?

We will in chengdu restaurant, the third floor.

Ok, so what time?

Evening at seven o 'clock, I'll in previous half an hour to pick you up.

That's too good, thank you very much.

No thanks, see you tonight.


甲The old contract that you will soon solve the problem, and now you can talk about your side of the new offer乙Do you think Yao is acceptable甲You look at this cost and freight quotes too high a point of乙Since last September, walnut prices rose 33%, we are only two sides in order to maintain business relationships with the price quoted甲If a large number of orders you give a discount Mody乙That could be arranged甲You see our quotation begin?乙See, because you offer higher than the market price level more than we have to Headquarters for甲I think you also understand that the recent general rise in prices of raw materials乙However, the price of your competitors, reported lower than your甲You also have to consider quality issues, our product quality better than any other country

Armor: The old contract existence's question you have solved very quickly, now might chat your new offering price second grade: You thought that may accept the armor: You looked that this cost adds the transport expense the quoted price too to have been whether high the second grade: Since last year nine months, the walnut kernel rise in price 33%, we only have been to maintain both sides business relation newspaper this price armor: If the bulk orders you can give hit the discount second grade: That may consider but actually the armor: You saw our quotation? Second grade: Saw, high were more than we because of yours quoted price the market price level to be able not but to the headquarters instruction armor: I thought that you also understood the recent raw material price rose the second grade generally: But your competitor reports price actually compared to yours low armor: Your also consideration quality question, our commercial quality compares other countries to be friends with

A: You have solved the problems in the old contract very quickly. Now you can talk about your new offer.
B: Do you think that you can accept it?
A: The CFR quotation is a little bit too high. Don't you think so?
B: Since September of last year, the price of walnut meat have increased 33%. We are only trying to quote this price to maintain our business relationship.
A: Can you offer a discount if we place an order of large quantity?
B: In that case, we could consider about it.
A: Did you see our quotation sheet?
B: Yes, I did. We have to apply with our headquarters as your quoted price is much higher than that in the market.
A: I believe you are aware of the prevailing increase in raw material price.
B: But your competitor quotes lower than you.
A: You have to consider the quality. The quality of our products is better than products from other countries.


一二楼乃机翻。三楼kevin5467的翻译很好。只有核桃仁那个词翻译得不对。用walnut就好了,不是walnut meat。把这个词改过后就完美了。

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