
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-03
谁帮我翻译2个句子 汉译英 英译汉都有 急!

1、 can not answer difficult questions2、是什么使事情变得更糟的是,一些著名演员,在电视上吸烟 望采纳,谢谢、、、、

谁能帮我翻译几个句子:汉译英?Who can help me translate some sentences: English?

1. Being a materialized version of the corporate culture and the corporate spirit, the most fundamental function of a logo is to present our brand image to the consumers.

2. The logo which will repeatedly appear in the commercial exhibition space, must have appropriate choices of its size, color, material and craft methodology based on artistic design, so that this visual element will be perfectly integrated into the exhibition space. While the fundamental function of the logo is satisfied, it will also be artistically and aesthetically appealing.


1, mark as the spirit of enterprise and enterprise culture, the chemical form main task will be to bearing the brand image of information to consumers.
2, commercial display space recurring symbol, must rely on art design method, in its size, colour, material and production technology, etc., enable the sign weighed and choose the visual elements perfectly into the commercial space, their own role in play at the same time, take into account the artistic and aesthetic.

1、Symbol as the matter shape of the spirit of enterprise and enterprise culture, its main task will be to bearing the brand image of information to consumers.
2、The recurring symbol in commercial display space must rely on art design method, and weight and choose in its size, colour, material and production technology, etc. to enable the symbol - visual elements to get into the commercial space perfectly, playing their own role as well as taking into account the artistic and aesthetic.

1. As the visual manifestation of corporate culture and spirit, the most important function of a logo is to present an image of the brand to its consumers.

2. The logo, which will be commercially displayed on a regular basis, must be artistically designed with special attention to color, size, material, and aesthetics, such that it won't feel out of place in commercial backgrounds. While it should serve the basic purpose of reflecting the company's image, it should also be aesthetically pleasing.

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