
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06




This article has the breakthrough points in two important financial terms of "Enterprise's aquistion and merger" and "Market monopolisation", it also has introduced the basic conception of "Enterprise's aquistion and merger" and "Market monopolisation", realized the way and important meaning in actual life specifically. Then sets "Guomei purchased Yongle" a case, analyzes the reason for Guomei purchasing Yongle emphatically, and explain the meaning in the market of Chinese electrical home appliances through the pattern of market and analysis for needing of the Chinese market of electrical home appliances correctly, in addition, still analyzes the pros and cons among them through the impact on market and consumer.

This article "buys and" the market monopoly "by the enterprise" two important financial terminology cuts into the spot as the article, specifically introduced "the enterprise buys and" and "the market monopoly" basic concept, realization way and its in practical life vital significance. After that "the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo" a document is the example, emphatically analyzed the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo's reason, as well as through to Chinese electrical appliances market market pattern and market supply and demand analysis explanation to Chinese electrical appliances market significance, moreover also through analyzed advantages to the market as well as consumer's influence.


This article "buys and" the market monopoly "by the enterprise" two important financial terminology cuts into the spot as the article, specifically introduced "the enterprise buys and" and "the market monopoly" basic concept, realization way and its in practical life vital significance. After that "the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo" a document is the example, emphatically analyzed the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo's reason, as well as through to Chinese electrical appliances market market pattern and market supply and demand analysis explanation to Chinese electrical appliances market significance, moreover also through analyzed advantages to the market as well as consumer's influence.


This article "buys and" the market monopoly "by the enterprise" two important financial terminology cuts into the spot as the article, specifically introduced "the enterprise buys and" and "the market monopoly" basic concept, realization way and its in practical life vital significance. After that "the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo" a document is the example, emphatically analyzed the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo's reason, as well as through to Chinese electrical appliances market market pattern and market supply and demand analysis explanation to Chinese electrical appliances market significance, moreover also through analyzed advantages to the market as well as consumer's influence.

This article "buys and" the market monopoly "by the enterprise" two important financial terminology cuts into the spot as the article, specifically introduced "the enterprise buys and" and "the market monopoly" basic concept, realization way and its in practical life vital significance. After that "the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo" a document is the example, emphatically analyzed the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo's reason, as well as through to Chinese electrical appliances market market pattern and market supply and demand analysis explanation to Chinese electrical appliances market significance, moreover also through analyzed advantages to the market as well as consumer's influence.


This article "buys and" the market monopoly "by the enterprise" two important financial terminology cuts into the spot as the article, specifically introduced "the enterprise buys and" and "the market monopoly" basic concept, realization way and its in practical life vital significance. After that "the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo" a document is the example, emphatically analyzed the country beautifully to purchase Yunglo's reason, as well as through to Chinese electrical appliances market market pattern and market supply and demand analysis explanation to Chinese electrical appliances market significance, moreover also through analyzed advantages to the market as well as consumer's influence.

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  • 200分!!英译汉,帮帮忙...
    答:This article has the breakthrough points in two important financial terms of "Enterprise's aquistion and merger" and "Market monopolisation", it also has introduced the basic conception of "Enterprise's aquistion and merger" and "Market monopolisation", realized the way and important...
  • 英译汉快帮忙啊!
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    答:the round, the United States and the United States. Let's toast Lastly, remember this happy moment, remember this one better, keep in mind that life will get better and better, do not forget that the whole family will be more glorious tomorrow!希望我的回答能帮你解决问题!!
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