
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-06
高分悬赏-短篇翻译, 不要机器翻译 ,做好另加分

秋天是一个极其重要的季节,与曲解落叶含义的悲观诗人所渲染意境截然相反。一位超现实主义诗人Archi Macleish说过:秋是属于美国的季节。在欧洲,树叶变成金黄变成深褐,然后无言落下。而在这里,它们悬挂在枝头奔放的燃烧。我想,生命在这个国度也能够绚烂的燃烧,绽放出无与伦比的美。

秋天也是一个生命真正复苏的季节。耶鲁大学讲师William Zinner曾一针见血地指出:“认为新年是一年伊始的观念是错误的。”事实上全新的开始应在秋季。快节奏的生活中大众所表现出的意愿与他们的喜形于色编织在一起会像空气般变得更加严寒。一些精神病学家的病人会因突然而至的适宜和谐感而变得惊恐。秋天是一个更加舒适的季节。


To practice import documentation (import custom claim procedure)
(1) Buyer submits the complete package of documentation to the shipment agency. The whole package of documents includes: the enforced original bill of lading, packing list, contract (regular transaction) and the invoice.
(2) Shipwnt agency reviews the bill of lading and the packing list, trucking and return trip charges and reserves storage location
(3) The storage agency confirms the shipping carrier based on the information on the bill of lading and make clear notification to the shipping agency where to exchange for the bill of lading.
(4) The storage agency confirms with the shipping agent or shipping company the carrier's arrival time and location. If there is a connecting stop, they need to confirm the connecting carrier's company's name. And to exchange for bill of lading with the original endorsed invoice to the shipping agent or shipping company.
(5) The storage agency represents seller to the inspection bureau to apply for inspection. If commercial inspection is required, they need to do so as well.
(6) The storage company is authorized to do custom claims. Documents required for custom clearance are: original endorsed bill of lading, packing list, invoice, contract and picking list. Regular custom clearance time is one business day
(7) The storage agency goes to the indicated pier or port to pick up the goods.

Chinese key industry pollution enterprise success rate not to onehalf
At present Beijing, Shanghai and so on ten provinces, the cityenterprises' industrial enterprise pollutes discharges the successrate to surpass 60%, Tianjin and Jiangsu Province's success rate hasreached above 90%. But at present still had 7 provinces the industrypollution enterprise success rate still to be insufficient 20%, sometwo provinces success rate 5%, was not even away from on December 31,2000 our country government to stipulate reaches the sign closing dateonly to have half year time, completed reaches the sign character'spossibility nearly was zero.
Therefore, since 1998, our country has enlarged the environmentalprotection investment. Same year our country environmental protectioninvestment created the historical most high level, accounted for thenational total output value 0.91%. This year in current release 60billion national debts, also arranged 8.7 billion funds to use in thekey basin pollution government and the city environmental protectioninfrastructure construction. Some areas have also established theenvironmental protection special fund. Zhejiang Province increases thefund to 550000000, uses in 1,368 provinces to control the source ofpollution with emphasis to reach the sign government project; Shanghaithrough speeds up the optimization industrial structure, haddetermined ten great merits energy regions, successively movepollution enterprise 350, enable this city tradition industryconstitutive property contamination concern to be solved fundamentals.


Chinese point industry pollution business enterprise's reaching a mark rate don't arrive half
Currently the industrial business enterprise pollution of ten provinces in Peking, Shanghai...etc., city business enterprises exhaust to reach a mark rate more than 60% already, among them, Tienjin and province in Jiangsu's reaching a mark rate already 90% is alreadyabove.But still there is the industrial pollution business enterprise of 7 provinces to reach a mark rate currently not enough 20% still there aring two provinces to reach a mark rate even not arrive 5%, be apart from December 31,2000 our country the government rule of reaching and marking the expiration date has half year only, the completion reaches a possibility of marking the person almost to zero.
For this, ever since that time in 1998, our country enlargement the environmental protection throw in.The that year's our country environmental protection's devotion creates tallest level of history, accounting for 0.91% of citizen's total production value.This year in 60,000,000,000 national debts of new issue, and then arranged 8,700,000,000 fundses to used for the pollution of point river valley to manage to constuct with the infrastructure of the city environmental protection.Some regions also built up an environmental protection particularly an item a fund.Province in Zhejiang increases the funds to 550,000,000, the point useds for 1368 provinces to control a pollution source to reach a mark to manage item;Shanghai City passes to speed excellent turn an industrial structure, made sure ten greatest functions area, move pollution business enterprise 350 successively, make that city traditional industrial structure pollution the problem get root to resolve.

The Chinese key industry pollution enterprise success rate to a half present Beijing, Shanghai and so on ten provinces, the city enterprises' industrial enterprise does not pollute discharges the success rate to surpass 60%, Tianjin and Jiangsu Province's success rate has reached above 90%. But at present still had 7 provinces the industry pollution enterprise success rate still to be insufficient 20%, some two provinces success rate 5%, was not even away from on December 31, 2000 our country government to stipulate reaches the sign closing date only to have half year time, completed reaches the sign character's possibility nearly was zero. Therefore, since 1998, our country has enlarged the environmental protection investment. Same year our country environmental protection investment created the historical most high level, accounted for the national total output value 0.91%. This year in current release 60 billion national debts, also arranged 8.7 billion funds to use in the key basin pollution government and the city environmental protection infrastructure construction. Some areas have also established the environmental protection special fund. Zhejiang Province increases the fund to 550000000, uses in 1,368 provinces to control the source of pollution with emphasis to reach the sign government project; Shanghai through speeds up the optimization industrial structure, had determined ten great merits energy regions, successively move pollution enterprise 350, enable this city tradition industry constitutive property contamination concern to be solved fundamentals.

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