
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

My hobbies can be called far from extentive, accurately speaking, I only like listening to music and playing basketball.

I always believe that music is such a magic thing, which can not only soothe one's mood but also make one inspired. It can even stride across the obstacles easily among different languages and races.

Many years ago, I fell in love with basketball because of Michael Jordan. As a sport highly demanding team work and cooperation, it has helped me make a lot of friends and also keep me in a healthy condition.

How are you? I'm always think about you whether you're happy,whether you're worried.If you should do, I would do.Please don't laugh at my foolish.You know, I don't interrupt your peaceful live in purpose,and I am not one of the men who crasy about you.In others'eyes you are famous, but in mine you're just yourself.Maybe I am a special one, because no one will walk in your sight as I do.
The first time I saw you,I felt as if we had already known for a long time. It was a fantastic feeling,indescribable. As the age gains, the feeling becomes stronger. I know it's love.So I wrote the first letter.
Our story is very long.In my letter,there are my experiences, my poems,my feelings,my infinite love to you.It is love that let me grow up,let me write to you bravely.Please give some attention to the special visitor in your life. Because my coming purpose isn't disturb your peaseful life,but release you from the monotonous life,bring you happiness,no lonelinesss, fill with joy,let you have a comfortable family, love you for always.Just simple like that.


My best friend is XXX. He is my classmate in the high school. It has been more than 7 years since we got to know each other. We have a tacit understanding between us. We have never quarrelled for anything in the past 7 years. We have a lot of common hobbies, for example, basketball. Although now we can not play together any more every day as we did when we were in high school, he is and will always be my best friend.

My best friend is XXX, we are classmate of senior , and have been realized more than seven years. We have a lot in common, it seemed to us for anything without quarrel in the seven years. We have a lot of hobbies in common, such as basketball. Although it cannot play togehter every day at school , but he is one of my best friends forever.

My best friend is XXX. We were classmates in high school, and have known each other for over 7 years. We get along very well, and have never fought for anything in the 7 years. We share a lot of interests, such as basketball.
Although we cannot hang out together everyday now, we are still best friends. And we will always be.

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