
kuaidi.ping-jia.net  作者:佚名   更新日期:2024-07-11

a missing payment表示任何一次漏交房租的情况。你表达的意思是漏交了房租。是都没交

请英语好的朋友帮助纠正一下翻译错误:“总体来说,我希望你能够是一个‘直接(指的是言行不拐。。。” (中文是想要表达的意思,翻译不必和中文完全一样) 中文部分: 总体来说,我希望你能够是一个‘直接(指的是言行不拐弯抹角),positive, sincere, thoughtful, honest’ person. 另外,我认为: 两个人在一段恋情中难免会有摩擦,但我认为两个人如果都做出一点努力我们能够找到一个平衡点来解决这个问题。所以我希望也有相同的感触,在问题出现时愿意沟通。 我的翻译: Generally, I hope you could be a guy who is frank, positive, sincere, thoughtful, honest. PS: It's hard to avoid problem when two people in love relationship. But I think that we could find a balance to deal with our difference if we work hard for each other together. So I hope you could have the same feeling and I prefer talking when the problem appears.

In the end, I want to say that I know that exactly as a professor, you must be very busy and it is not really necessary to consider about a student too much even if he is in bad situation . Exactly, I know I should take the full responsibility for this fault I made by myself. I am very sorry to bother you again and again for this matter, since my situation is too extreme and too bad,.I have to try any way I could try to fix the promblem. Please understand.

In the end, I want to say I know as a professor, you must be very busy and it is not very necessary to consider too much for a student no matter how bad situation he is in, and also I know exactly I should take the full responsibility to undertake this fault I made myself. I am truly very sorry to bother you again and again, since my situation is too extreme and too bad, I have to try anything I could try to fix it. Please understand.

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